• No, I am too young to have heard actual broadcasts, although I have heard snippets.
  • I wish... that was way before I was born. Wolfman Jack is like, my hero, and I was really sad when he died.
  • I saw him in 1973, when he appeared in George Lucas’ hit film American Graffiti and later on as host of NBC-TV’s Midnight Special. β€œWolfman Jack” died on July 1, 1995. "Wolfman Jack" was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in 1996.
  • I first heard him in 1966. I remember one of his trademark announcements was: "This is the Wolfman, comin' to you on fifty-thousand watts of SOUL POWAH, BAYBEE!"
  • oh yes Wolfman Jack one of the all time greats. remember him well.
  • Only once in a while--We in the Northeast had our own who blanketed the airwaves--Bruce "Cousin Brucie" Morrow of WABC AM New York. I remember going to visit family in Virginia and still getting his broadcasts. I know his broadcasts were heard from NY to the upper Midwest.
  • Of course. he had an unmistakable radio voice and personality.

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