i know one way to find out! lets jump together!!! :)
Definately, jumping is very tiring. Jumping=physical activity and Sweating...
with some speed its great cardio-ever seen a boxer with a tummy?
yes, but in the mean time jelly belly jiggle.
ANY form of exercise will help lose the belly fat! Walking and not just speed walking, for 30 mins a day will help. It all depends on your current state of health and how committed you are. If you wan't to go with the skipping then go for it. Do it regularly and watch what you eat, your tummy will begin to look thinner. ☺
Depends on your condition, whether or not you have one. Jumping rope will help toward losing belly fat, unless you have a disorder that keeps you from losing it.
no but it does shake it up.
Deffentitly! But 1 hop ain't gonna do it for you though =) Maybe 10 minutes or so of it a few times and you'll see results i suppose =)
Not really. It mostly makes shape to your legs and arms. Legs because your jumping and arms because your moving it fast. You will lose only a little bely fat
You will expend calories by jumping rope which will held you lose fat in general not to a specific area. If you burn more than you consume you will burn fat. +5
I know it's a good way to lose balance and to get scabs. It might be a good way to lose belly fat, too, though.
It is aerobic, so you lose body fat from everywhere. Toning you stomach does not get you rid of belly fat. You will still have the fat over the toned muscles if you don't lose weight.
maybe a little, but abdominal crunches (situps) are the most proven, once you tone up, it will flatten a lot of flab
Yes..And not only your belly fats also the fats on the other part of your body.
i dont know if rope jumping helps you lose weight :) but i know that if you have a trampoline,go on that and do rope jumping..
weightloss disc works for me! Would you like to try it some time? it should be fun! check it out
How about changing your diet. 1. No soda 2. No caffiene 3. No Diet Soda or Sugar Free stuff.. ( your body gets all confused) 4. Eat a good breakfast, lil snack, lunch, light dinner 5. No heavy meals past 6PM you don't want a lot of food in your belly when you're sleeping. 6. No TV Get outside and PLAY 7. Play a sport and feel challenged 8. Try it workd i tried it.
Crunches alternating elbow to opposite knee.
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