• Tar products, usually available without a prescription, are widely used to treat scalp psoriasis. You will be able to find over-the-counter (OTC) tar shampoos, creams, gels, oils, ointments and soaps. Ask your pharmacist. Ours was very helpful. For more information read this excellent article:
  • Psoriasis could be cured with homoeopathic treatment without any side effects but it would take considerable time depending upon the condition of the patient. Before prescribing the medicines your local physician would like to know few things from you: 1. Is there any family history of psoriasis? 2. Your likings/dislikings? 3. Your personality: physique, character, behaviour: mild/violent, nature, etc. 4. Past history of diseases especially of skin? After reading your answers in comments section, I recomend Natrum Mur 30 (homeopathic medicine), single dose.
  • I would recommend you take your son to see a professional homeopath and get a remedy that is based on his entire picture, not just his physical symptoms.
  • Psoriasis is possibly some inborn deficiency. I reccomend kefir milk yoghurt to help control bacteria nd fungus on the site. There is anecdotal evidence it may help. Evidence of improvement is within two to 15 days of regular consumption. Ive seen it control acne, eczema, heat rash even otitis media. It polices all the microbes in the body plus provides a wealth of B vitamins. Suggest it be taken with spirulina. Google three words, spirulina, kefir and psoriasis and there will be results...
  • I would go to a homeopath and get them to get a case history and most good homeopaths make their own treatments, which they can make with the correct dosage for your son. A naturopath or herbalist might also be useful to. I have 'heard' though, a product called tar soap is best to wash with for people with psoriasis and eczema. Good luck with it, and I hope you son's symptoms can be reduced.
  • you should visit I hope you get a good medicine for your son...
  • he needs to see a doctor about it
  • Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease. Stress and various other factors can triggers it As per WHO you need to be patch free for five years to be termed as cured. Psoriasis do run in the family. Commonly used Homeopathic medicines for Psoriasis are Arsenic bromatum, Chrysarobinum., Petroleum, Lycopodium, Arsenic iodatum, Kali arsenicosum, Kali sulphuricum, Natrum muriaticum, etc. Consult a homeopathic physician either offline or online
  • After what I just read I would suggest you not come here for this type of advice. Look online at sites like the psoriasis foundation, web md, mayo clinic and other reputable sources. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder. Stress makes it flare up. Any anti inflamatory will help. Here are 8 home remedies with evaluations. I don't presently have it on my scalp, but the steroids they gave me with chemo completely stopped my psoriasis. It has returned since the steroids were stopped.
  • Homeopathic remedy literally means treating it with water. According to the theory of homeopathy, you take whatever causes psoriasis and dilute it with water until the concentration is less than one molecule of toxin per dose of treatment. Then you take one dose of the treatment. From the standpoint of all valid logic, this is the same thing as just taking water. Therefore, I recommend seeking out an actual remedy and not homeopathy. If you want natural remedies, there are a number of things you can try, but their efficacy depends on the cause of this particular psoriasis. Look at his diet and see if something is out of balance, Often times, too much sugar or simple carbohydrate leads to skin problems. In that case, reduce the amount of sugar and processed foods and increase the intake of omega-3 fats. Look at hygiene habits. Psoriasis can be caused by bathing too frequently or too infrequently. Make sure he is washing his hair properly at least a few times a week, but not more than once a day, as a habit. If none of those work, soaking the affected area in a bath with epsom salts or dead sea salts can loosen up the psoriasis and aid in healing the skin. If you also treat the area topically with aloe vera oils or gels, it can also help the skin heal. Lastly, if your son is taking antibiotics or other medications that can contribute to psoriasis, or if the condition gets worse, or if these home remedies don't work, consult with a doctor who will look into the specific causes of the condition and be able to prescribe a medical treatment.
  • You should find a professional homeopath. It is better to find a reliable homeopathic clinic than to try to cure yourself on your own.
  • There are very good meds for it. See a doctor for a script. Why suffer?
  • I had psoriasis in my scalp for many years and it’s not there anymore because I used a special shampoo for it but I can’t remember what it was called. You can do a research on Google and type in the search bar β€œshampoo for psoriasis on scalp”. There are a number of shampoos to treat it as you will see in the Google results

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