Well, I'm multiethnic. It creates problems. I am not fully white and I'm not fully Japanese so people don't accept me totally on either side.
And there's bi-polar...
I'm bi-sexual. The biggest conflict that it causes for me is that I am a bi-sexual woman in a heterosexual marriage...which a lot of people just don't seem to understand!
Bi-LLs cause alot of conflict
I'm bi-lingual and adopted into a bi-racial couple:D
Bisexual. It causes me conflict because when girls are talking to me I have no idea if they're just being nice or if they're hitting on me. I would LOVE to be hit on by chicks, but I don't get my hopes up. You assume people are straight if they don't outwardly look or say they're any type of gay, correct? So. I don't get my hopes up. In a way, sad, but in another way, I don't really need to get into a new relationship right now. I just like the idea of being a lesbian heartthrob :V
No. I am one with the Universe.
Naa, I leave that to liberals and democraps
No. But I am trans-financial. I'm a rich man living in a poor man's body. Due to the social constraints placed on me, I haven't been able to live the life that my body is telling me I should. I'm gonna need all your financial help to get me in a good place, mentally. Please send money.
Bi-carbonate. Excuse me.
I am not, but most people in Japan combine two religions: our native Kami no Michi (Shen Tao in Chinese) and Buddhism from India.
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