Incestuous pedophile comes first before any of his other accomplishments.
for me he was really a one hit wonder ...who was to full of his self and had a liking for under age girls ...pedophile?...a little strong I think
The problem with musicians, actors and sportspeople becoming stars is that their talent in someway is seen to justify bad behaviour. Jerry Lee Lewis could have been a product of his time but from observations of other stars some have unnaceptable ways. Gary Glitter is in prison (and rightly sp) due to what JLL did. For Glitter it is labelled what it really is:Paedophilia.
He was one of the best rock n rollers ever. His personal/private life has nothing to do with his obvious talent and music. Well, judging from this question, it does, but it certainly shouldn't.
sick fuck who could play the piana
Semi-talented incestuous woma/child beating pedophile.Back when that was happening nobody really questioned it. Now he would probably be prosecuted for it and rightly so!
Speaking as a 16-year-old, my personal fantasy has been that Jerry Lee Lewis was my cousin; my really hot, older, piano playing cousin.
a great rock and roller, but a flawed human being. Like so many others: Ray Charles, Sam Cooke, Elivis Presley, John Lennon and the list goes on.
I think he was both.
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