Not really, no.
Absolutely! It's fun and so am I (^_^)
Nope. I think Dante is much more my style. ;)
Yep. I look like pasta, and I walk around western australia crushing the tall and lanky people I find.
I guess. I've always been a bit of a Viking. I suppose.
No, not really. I think I should have been named Myrtle hehe;)
Can't think of any other name that would fit, so yep :) Actually, maybe if I had a more common name, it would force me to act more normal. Like Jane...Or Jill or Jim or something. Maybe not Jim.
Yeah, I'm down with my unique name. It means "of eternal beauty", which I think describes me perfectly. No, I am not a total ego maniac. It may just look that way.
Well, Of course, sometimes, it should probably be Hot T, Ice T, Hehehe.
Yeah, it does. It's a name for a cool guy, and I most certainly am one.
Yes I do.
Not really. It's a reference to a game, but it sounds like an emo fantasy name.
Yeah I have had it for many years, kinda used to it. lol :P
my real name, definitely, it's weird, and i'm weird. my s/n is a nickname, so yep i'd say it suits me as well. :)
of course... and if it was a differnent name it would suit me aswell because everyone would be so used to it, so pretty much everyones name suits them, you know?
I am named after my father and I think I am a lot like him. It fitd pretty good.
I'm not sure. I've been told I look more like a "Heather" by more than one person. Then I met this girl named Heather who looks kind of like me. o_0
My mom named me after a famous actor from back in the day... and the meaning of it describes a very strong aspect of my personality and the main reason I am the type of person I have grown into. If she only knew.. lol
Yes, because it's completely farked up and so am I.
yep.. I am joe, and i'm a pastafarian. i guess i should change the "newly converted" part though, it's been a while.
Yes, it fits for some always dreaming of going into royalty and building castles and forts.
I love Chequered flags. So It fits.
Andele, andele, ariba!! Yes:)
A lot of the time, I think you grow to fit your name. But in my case, yes, I do think my name fits pretty well.
RL name or screen name? The former....*shrug* The latter....hell yeahz0rz
The only way that it fits is that it rolls off the tongue.
Off Course honey..I changed it to fit who I am ^_^
Yep, it does. :)
Don't really know. Some people have told me I look more like a Sean. Which is my middle name in fact.
Erin- yes I do! It means peace... and I'm very peaceful and laid back. and it means Ireland, which I happen to be obsessed with! I love anything Ireland, especially if it says Erin Go Braugh!
Good question. If I listen to society's idea of Jessica I definitely do not fit the name. I am in my early 30's and have had this name since birth so it has grown with me where I can't think of myself with any other name.
I guess although alot of people say my name is a porno name! lol. Im not sure if thats a good thing or not.
I have had it for 35 years now so I am kind of attatched to it now..:)
i really dislike it. caitlin is so plain and common. i like my middle name though. :) and my last name is really common too. :l
It's from a song, and I don't care for it at all.
yes, it does a lot! My name is Ashley and it means woodland sprite. I have always loved nature and animals and when I was younger I was always in the woods picking up animals and bugs. I love animals (own 18) and love wild animals. I love the woods!
YES It won't fits anyone else!
nope - I have an irish name NOONE can seem to say outside ireland....embarrasinf - i end up having to change the spelling so they can read it!
yes, not that many people have, its unique
Yes, I always been happy with my name.
No, I have always thought of my name as old fashioned.(lol)
no elizabith is mire fitting for me. i dont know why it just is.
oh yes very much so.
I have never felt otherwise.
PerfectlyΓ’β¬ΒΌ I'm rather a JOYful person =D
As my name is Ashley and I am male, this name is unisex. I get mocked with so I don't like this so it does'nt fit me. I want to be called Zohan!!
Sometimes.. but a lot of the time no. It almost doesn't even feel like my name. Most people shorten it and call me Ash, which is better... because it's less feminine. I just don't feel like my name should be that feminine and sometimes doesn't belong to me.
My name is Dale and im quite fat so i guess other people think my name fits because they call me Dale the whale which is quite insulting because i have no similarities of a whale
Through the conditioning of my parents, and their approval of this specific title, my name is associated with myself.
i look like the sun in me and yep +2
It fits me, but not as much as it could, since it can be occuponimous (I think that's how it's spelled).
yes I do.
Yes. I AM a Goth gal. My real name's Cheyenne, which totally suits me. Unique and pretty, which I am.
My name, Tijana: Derived from Croatian and Serbian tih meaning "quiet". I am quiet and not very social, unfortunately.
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