• Even an idiot can do it ,just ask george
  • Air Force stuff is like Cub Scouts. They probably have a "Den Mother" to tuck you in at night too.
  • It is the same as the boot camp for anyone going into the Air Force. I did it. If you can deal with all the screaming and you are in good shape, you will not have a problem. By no means is it easy. I witnessed a lot of strong men cry in the first few days. You are only there for six weeks and then you go to school for another 6 weeks. You will go to boot camp at Lackland Air force base in San Antonio Texas. I say do it. You will be very happy when you are done. While in boot camp, never give up. They will break you and then they will back off. Don't try to be a hard ass or they will crush you. Have a great time in your part time Air force career.
  • My gilfriends daughter went through it, she did fine. She's not a big tuffy either, she's small but it's what she wanted to do and she did it.
  • shouldnt be that hard its just the national gaurd. ive heard stories of where you have time to get on your cellphone, and weekend liberty, thats what ive heard

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