I really like the funny ones, but also the ones that seriously help someone, and those that start a discussion, even if it's only a few comments back and forth.
Many different kinds . Funny ones are always nice and I quite like sarcastic humour so am unlikely to take offence. The ones I like best are when I learn something, some people do some great research and I spend a lot of time reading answers. Hope you are feeling better MM
Humorous....and I don't mean bone related ones:)
I like answers that make sense.
I also like answers that can start discussions or answers that are opinions. Fact related answers usually end the dialogue too soon.
the ones that help and in a few lines.
I like the humorous ones, of course, but I also enjoy the thought provoking ones.
It depends on the question. I love the funny ones but not on something like death of a loved one.
The ones suiting the question! Be it funny or serious. And original ones, never copy/paste from wikipedia.
I like many kinds of questions. The variety really keep you on your toes. But my favorite ones re those that make me pause and think and look deeply before writing.
No doubt HUMOR!!!! Intelligent and witty as it can get and by all means informative, but cold hard fact is dull. raw opinion is a dime-a-dozen. Add some warmth to an opinion I don't necessarily agree with and I'll often respect you far more for it. A purely factual answer can explain less than one with some insight added to make it easier to surmise the gist of it.
Jack, follow up to my recent post
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