i don't think it is if you can get your parents or legal gardens to sign papers
exactly, i think if you get parents/guardians permission its ok
because i know that the age of consent for most states is 16.............. but they wouldn't consider it stat. rape in any way would they? and does it make a difference if the 19 year old is in the military?
Depends where you live....go to Google and type in "state" statutory marriage an aside, don't do it too young. You've got a long life ahead of you.
i hope so. I dont think children should get married. That is for grown ups
In the UK no! In Scotland you don't need your parents permission at 16. In England you need written permission from a parent or gaurdian.
If it's not legal in your state, it should be with parental consent. But I think that 16 and 19 are a bit young, especially with the 19yo in the military. It would be best to wait until you're both out of college... Just my opinion.
Can a 16 year old man have legal sex in uk to a 19 year old women?
it's fine in the UK
it might depend on where they live
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