Only when they are chasing me!
not really
Just respect and admire the great jobs that they do and am thankful for them willing to do the job.
No. But due to things that have happened to me I will never trust the police, nor will I ever call them to my aid if I am not with people I trust, who can keep me safe.
No not at all
No..annoyed at times..but not :)
Not scared, but they do make me nervous. I won't even allow a police car to drive too close behind me. They'll tailgate you for blocks if you let them...annoys the hell outta me. I'll pull over and let them go around. Plus, they often drive like idiots. We had more police related automobile accidents in Baltimore last year than any other time I remember. More than a few times I've cursed at cops for doing stupid sh*t on the road.
I am not scared, but I don't like them being around.
no reason to fear the ones who protect and serve my civil rights are what makes me an American and i will remind a hostile cop just that and his watch commander
Yes, they terrify me. I think they do after you've been arrested once.
Not really, I have kind of pulled 2 over and asked them If they had a problem.
No. I have nothing to fear. I don't break the law. I have no need to the police.
I don't like them, I don't trust them. I've never been arrested or even anyway close to it. But I've seen situations where a cop has already decided your guilt, even before clamping the handcuffs on ya. Yes, I guess they could scare me.
I have never been in trouble by the police. But they horrify me. I am irrationally petrified of any police officer.
no, i haven't done anything to be afraid of.
I was abused by cops when I was little so yes there is fear in addition to anger
Like others have said,Im have not gotten into any problems with the law and Im not afraid of the police. But I do wonder if there getting a little out of control with tasers and over the top force just pulling people over for a DUI or something and no threat to the police.
I got a kinda "fear and loathing" thing happenin'. ;-)
No. Should I be?
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