• YES.. cuz in the american episodes they cut out some parts making it more fo younger people.. in the japanese episodes,, they're way better cuz they have everything in it... its ment 4 an older audience...
  • I have to agree with Marjan. At first I watched them in english then a mate told me how much better the sub version is (way more blood and even some stronger language) plus the Japanese voice actors are far better. Also you will be able to watch the Shippi episodes much sooner.
  • i hate anime without subtitles the characters all sound like panziez
  • As the others have mentioned, Naruto in America has been edited for a younger audience. They still show blood though. I just want to correct people in that not all of the curse words are actually there but added to display the vulgar tones of the characters' dialog. This is true for almost all anime in terms of subbing. The strangest parts though is when you figure out what -is- taken out of the American version, like Sasuke and Naruto's first "kiss" or people with nosebleeds looking at Naruko (who is as naked as his/her Japanese counterpart).
  • The japanese anime is much more vulgar and uses stronger words you wouldn't expect
  • yes its 10 times better thab the american version..................the reasons why are they cuss a lot and show things the american version wont

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