• I don't know how many of your requirements it meets, but you might want to try Special K Red Berries. It is healthy, and good for you.
  • Sounds like you need to drink liquid vitamins and grill fresh local lake fish for breakfast.
  • Try some Special K with flax sprinkled on it, I use it daily and find it enhances the taste, but also adds a lot more oomph to the morning cereal.. and If all else fail stick to High octane coffee... although not as filling as cereal. ( I forgot to mention use soy milk as it has more protein.)
  • Why not try strolling down the aisles of your local health foods store. Read labels and ask the resident experts what they suggest. Could cost some $s, but I'm hearing Special K might be a better deal....
  • alpen and muesli is one of the best tastes nice as well

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