• I like "SAW" . It aint scary but has a bit of suspense and plot to it.
  • Have you seen Joy Ride? It's also funny!!!!!!! It's about 2 brothers playing a prank and it back fires!!!!!!!!!!
  • I don't go to scary movies anymore, but if you want to watch a couple of classics watch "The Shining" with Jack Nicholson and "Wait Until Dark" with Audrey Hepburn. The suspense is just too much!!
  • What about Jeepers Creepers!!!!!!! I love both #1 and #2. What about some classics? Like......Whatever happened to Baby Jane?(good one) or.......Lady in the Cage? or..........the re make of Texas chainsaw M. I love that one. Or Wrong Turn, now that's good!
  • From these times Hostel is pretty is scary. Many people don't like it but if you watch The Blair Witch project alone at night you're gonna freeze in your room. Another good movie is Thesis from Spain, 8mm was based on that movie and to me is way better than 8mm and I love that movie, and is scary. Poltergeist when I was a kid made me shit my pants. And obviously the one and only king of scary movie, the movie that traumatized more kids by capita in North America, Central Africa and Asia......IT
  • Ring both parts 1 and 2... hostel part 1 was very scary and yes Shutter the Korean version..
  • Any "Hitchcock" movie!

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