• For me personally, I go by experiences that I've had after praying to my GOD. So I guess It's a YES and NO. I havent seen my Creator but from experiances, I know he Exists.
  • No i dont think so. i beleive man went to the moon and I also beleive in the future but I cant see either.
  • For me personally, I go by experiences that I've had after praying to my GOD. So I guess It's a YES and NO. I havent seen my Creator but from experiances, I know he Exists.
  • I have to see a rational explanation to understand something. I don't have to sit on the moon without protection to understand it wouldn't be good. Some things you have to believe based on little evidence. But if there is no evidence, then I don't believe.
  • No you need faith.
  • for me, yes. i need to see it and touch it. then i believe it's real.
  • No I do not.
  • I can't see my headache. But I know the son of a bitch is there.
  • no, you dont see your brain or anyone else's brain and you know its there. To believe you just need to live the way that you believe. It is impossible to see everything.
  • No offense intended here; a quote whose source I've forgotten: "I don't want to talk about JC - I just wanna see his face."
  • depends on what we're talking about. if i don't see it generally i like to have logic to prove it. that's pretty much all i can ask for though
  • You don't need to see to believe the Almighty God is living and breathing inside of you everyday,and will not leave unless you ask him to.
  • You must believe to see.
  • not at all. people believe all kinds of crazy things. personally, I believe Michael Jackson is not dead. He was taken to Atlantis by the aliens to live out the rest of his days in peace and quiet.
  • No, the truth is out there!
  • No I do not. I am a factual person, an investigator by nature, I read the facts, and then draw upon these facts to determine the possible cause and effects of all things.
  • Where would that leave the poor blind people? I've conducted business with people I've never seen. Even without seeing, it's possible to have reason to believe.
  • Not neccesarily, but I need some evidence.
  • With eyes?
  • its really not necesarilyy tht urs all senses feel , taste or see it to believe as long as u got evidence to bieleve
  • I'm a doubting Thomas. See, feel, hear, taste, listen to.
  • No. However, there does have to be some verifiable evidence subject to testing. The beliefs have to hold up to scrutiny. I do require logical consistency - both internal, and with external known facts. When it comes to religious belief, I also require that it not contain immoral beliefs/teachings, and (if there is a claim to a higher power, particularly an omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent one) that the beliefs contain some hallmark of origin in a higher/wiser paradigm. Beliefs frought with human prejudices will never meet the muster.
  • In most things. Or at least see strong evidence.
  • DUH!!!, not always.
  • There are certain things in life which is not visible to eyes ,but we have to believe that it exist.
  • Naw. There are many things I feel and realize even though ill never see them. But its cool, I dont really need to see it. I feel it. I have felt it, and Ive lived it. Its things that piece togather, that intertwine...that cross paths, that arnt just luck. I cant see hope...yet its a word that means something and its there. I cant see the wind, yet I feel it on my face....and I cant see infinity, yet...I know that things can be infinite. Im just small, and know little. I dont always have to see. Only feel.
  • No you do not, if you are wise. You can not see gravity, yet you know it is there. You can not see the strong nuclear forceβ€”the force that glues protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom. And you can not see the weak nuclear force. Yet they are very real. Likewise, you can not see the Creator, (Romans 1:20) "For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable".
  • Yes - to a certain degree. Evidence is important. Trust is important. Personal experience is important but not vital.

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