• its army chanting :P to help the men keep going and putting more self belief in them i dont know who made them up or sings them but i do know they use them irl
  • It's easier to march along if a song (or drum) is counting off the cadence. That's why such songs exist. Although some chants might have a self-esteem factor, most are just keeping the beat, sorry! :o)
  • The cadence is called to keep pace. When marching, 300 soldiers show the disciple when they're not all doing their own thing. It' another part of learning that you work flawlessly as a unit. When running it will actually take your mind away from the tedious task at hand. It's also good for comeraderie - it's awesome stuff when you're part of it. Most cadences have been around a while. Probably made up by drill sergent. One could however come up with a new cadence that over time would gain in popularity and become a "regular".
  • Nitro Duck is a son of a Bit$# Wrecked his train in a w#ore house ditch. Lined a 100 women up against the wall Made a 3 dollar bet he could #$%^ 'em all @#$%^& 98 till his...... Never mind... It just gets nastier from there. Often cadence songs are traditional in the sense that they are handed down. I ran to the one above, and so did my father. (any three syllable name can be inserted). Cadence when running forces you hold air in your lungs (because you are inhaling deeply to yell, and you have to control the exit of the air to keep the song going). It also makes the run less boring. We used to do 10 to 15 mile beach runs, and if we were in trouble, we would not be allowed to sing cadence -- It was miserable when that happened. I can't say with authority that all countries use singing cadence, but I have heard it from all of the troops of other countries that I have served with. Brits, Australians, Phillipes, Polish, Panamanian, Liberian, Nicaraguans all used occasional cadence songs. I have served in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq, but I haven't seen them train, and don't know if they sing or not. Sometimes drill instructors make up their own, but everybody has their "oldies but goodies"
  • Hey mum hows you?...we never did this in the RAF....and im not aware of them doing it in our other forces...I think we saved our energy for the running and sung our hearts out in the bar :)

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