My Valentine's day sucked. Literally.
She sucked. :)
It did I was sick and whats worse, I still am. Worst Valentine's Day EVER!!!
Yes it did doodle.
Nope it was overall good :-)
Well...Valentine's Day didn't suck...but I did! ;)
It did, i was sick and i still am!
Midnight: Watched "Sweet November" its a good but sad movie. 4hrs of sleep then off to work and did not take my 1hr lunch instead worked for 9 hrs after that had class until 10pm. Plus I did not get to IM/Call/See my love. - No literally but figuratively dont know lol does it sound like a nice day?... Not really kept my mind busy though so I did not miss her so much.
No, it was nice. Hubby and I stayed in and had pizza for dinner. (and amorΓ© for dessert) :oX
suck is putting it wouldnt bother me any if valentines day was banned for eternity.
The fact that I spent all day doing my report only to leave it in my room the next day when it was do kinda makes my Valentine's Day seem.....sucky. At least, in school today, someone sent me a flower. I've never gotten one before, so that helped.
My Valentine sucked. jk- I was at the hospital all week w/ my buddy.
oh yea, it really did. getting dumped sucks.
Hated it!
I've had worse singles awareness days
Actually, neither. lol The day after though...mmmmhmmm.
No. :)/:(
It literally would have if I had thought to name my mouth Valentine's Day before I drank Thai iced tea through a straw. ;)
Valentine's Day just isn't Valentine's Day when you nobody loves yeah it sucked!
I had no one. So it sucked.
Both. Latter during the day, former during my dreams.
No, but I was sucked... :-)
Yes, and I can't believe this has 69 points. :P This is just too good to be true.
Last Valentine's Day is when my ex served me with divorce papers. She then ran off with best friend.
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