• According to a recent study, 77% of restaurants have lemon wedges with large amounts of bacteria.
  • hmmm...interesting. I can't say with 100% certainty, but I would think that it would be harder for bacteria to grow rapidly on them because of their high acidity.
  • I'm not sure, but wouldn't the acid in the lemon prevent bacteria from growing at a fast pace?
  • I would think so - but everything is full of bacteria right? How much can your body handle - that is why when you eat out - typically you are running to the bathroom because you have been poisoned - it is because people are not clean and don't know or don't care how to clean things properly and they make us sick
  • Well, not so much the pulp, because of the acidity, but the rind, I'm sure is filthy... You don't know if they've been washed, if someone dropped them on the ground before they cut it up, If the person just went to the bathroom, without washing their hands...ugh..I don't ever use them.
  • When I first heard of the bacteria in the lemon wedges at restaurants I thought if the lemons are dirty and full of bacteria, I would not eat at that restaurant. I always order water with lemon without hesitation. I hope I am not making a mistake. I had to laugh the first time I heard this, but I am now wondering? It almost sounds like it is prior to getting to the restaurant, but can the restaurant do something to clean the lemons?
  • i eat bleu cheese dressing which is full of bacteria.. i need not worry about a little on my lemon wedge in my iced tea
  • Apparently so! There was a news story recently about lemon wedges in restaurants and how many of them were infected with ecoli and other bacteria - yuk!
  • There are bacteria everywhere, GOOD and bad. But usually for something that acidic, it is rare for them to be harmful. You can preserve things easily in lemon juice or vinegar.
  • it depends on the venders hygiene standards but its generally safe if you know the person that is despenses the lemon washes there hands after using the bathroom
  • Lemon is a natural disinfectant.
  • No I don,t think so. I have a lemom every morning with a little bit of salt on it. yummy!!
  • The bacteria in cheese is a bit different than the undesirable bacteria collected on citrus wedges when they are not properly stored or handled. Most bartenders and waitstaff do NOT wear rubber gloves which is mandatory when serving or handling RTE food (ready to eat). Though it's understood the lemon or lime wedge itself will not be ingested, the skin will touch your drink or food and bacteria that collect on improperly stored or handled citrus WILL be ingested. If you need citrus with your drinks, ask if the wedges are refrigerated, then request that it be brought on a separate plate. Squeeze the juice from the wedge, and place the wedge on the side - do NOT drop it in your drink. If you don't drop the entire wedge into your drink and just use the juice, you run less risk of getting sick from germs on the wedge. Frankly, I love a lime wedge with my club soda but I've decided to forego it until I'm reasonably sure a restaurant handles these garnishes properly.
  • Probably but who cares really, it won't kill anyone
  • lemons are acidic and used in some cleaning agents, unless a bacteria is acid tolerant, not a big deal
  • yes, but so is the ice also..... as well as the poorly washed glass that it comes in.
  • There was a study that came out on one of those shows like 20/20 or something where they did a study of how dirty the lemons that people put on your glass or in your drink are in restaurants. Out of, I think, 7 restaurants only 2 came out clean. The others came out having fecal matter, pesticides, and other harmful bacterias. I've never like to have lemons or limes placed on my glass or inside my water. I always ask them to replace my water with a new one without the lemon or lime.
  • It depends, really. Bacteria might contaminate the lemon based on the cleanliness of the knife used to cut it, the place where the lemon is grown, how old the lemon is, the cleanliness of the glass, etc. You can't really tell, but I would throw away the lemon wedge if it was from a pub.
  • suppose if the bar attender has cut the lemon on a chopping board that is full of bacteria iv worked in some places and seen bar staff quickly run into the kitchen and slice up a lemon the potwash work top arghh not nice but saying that i still ask 4 lemon in my drink u wana c inside a glass wash machine thats more worrrying
  • I can't speak for every restaurant, but my restaurant is very clean and sanitary.

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