Be active in different activites. Whether it is your work, a hobby, or just hanging out with your friends. If you are busy you will have less time to think about it and it will get easier eventually.
I know the feeling... My heart and stomach hurt and my anxiety is so bad that I find it almost impossible to leave the house on most days. The only thing that keeps me going is that I still do have a few people that love me and are here for me. It also helps to think about the last time I had my heart broken. It hurt all the same, but I got over it and was fine. It may have taken me a few years, but it did heal and I did find someone else. You just have to keep telling yourself it was for the best and be greatful that you didn't waste more of your time with the wrong person. You now have that time to be yourself and eventually to find someone better. My parents wasted 15 years trying to fix things, they ended it and are now both happily married to someone else. Be proud that you both were smart enough to end it now rather than trying to fix it for years and causing both of you a lot more pain. Things WILL get better day by day for both of us. Always here if you need to talk.
Write poetry. Cry, but don't mope. Talk to people you KNOW that you can trust. Have a little bit of time for yourself, but also remember the things that you love to do and don't forget them.
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