• hah i have been told just to called it anime lol not animes i got laughed at for calling it animes lol
  • the plural of anime is anime, just as the plural of put is still put for your info the plural of fruit is still fruit, reason being they are all categories or general reference terms english is hard eh?
  • anime is a derivation that surfaced during a show in france (i don't know the reference), where they were coined "Japanese Animation". Over time, with every having long names, it shortened up to become anime. Now, as the word is treated as an English word, therefore, while using it in English, you will use it accordingly. Hence, singular form: Anime; Plural Form: Animes as for Kelvin's question: English is hard? well, a lot depends on your native tongue. The more a foreign language deviates from your native tongue, the more difficult it gets. simple as that ^_^
  • my primary language is english... it's ANIME NO S
  • this was such an awesome question!!!! I am a translator and this one made my week!!!! thanks!!!!

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