• Because every time you step dirt is getting into your flip flops and with your sweat you produce a murky substance that can become sticky. You can't see the dirt but know that it exist since the floor and ground are not at all clean, and flip flops are not the best shoes to wear if you want to keep your feet clean.
  • Your feet could be rough and flip-flips don't have the same type sole as regular shoes. FFs usually have a soft cloth-type sole, and the roughness of your feet are sticking to them. Regular shoes have a smooth sole, and there's nothing to stick to. Besides, do you wear socks with your regular shoes? Do the socks sometimes stick? Same thing.
  • Your feet just sweat , like my feet do if you start using vasaline that will help dry your feet out and walk barefoot at home that will help as well.
  • Sometimes it can be the type of flip flop that you are wearing. For example novelty flip flops with printed on the foot bed often stick to my feet until my feet get used to them or unitl the design wear off.

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