• He wasn't. It's a myth. He was in fact very clear that membership of the Masons was what he called, "unscriptural." He was however fascinated by pyramids.
  • After funeral services at The Temple in New York and at Carnegie Hall in Pittsburgh, Brother Russell was buried at Allegheny, in the Bethel family plot, according to his request.
  • Here are some pics if you want evidence. No they are not photo shopped. Charles Taze Russell’s headstone at Rosemont United Cemetery, 226 Cemetery Lane. Pittsburgh. Need I say more?
  • Russel was not a freemason. Freemasons, from their part, have stated: “Russell was not a freemason". Neither the symbols found in the Watchtower nor the cross and crown symbol are exclusively Masonic. Charles Taze Russell is buried at the Rosemont United Cemetery, 226 Cemetery Lane, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This is not a “Masonic Cemetery”. You have never visited this site. I have been to Russell’s grave my self. His actual marker is really quite simple. Several years after his death some of hid friends erected this larger tombstone that your pictures show. For some 35 years, Pastor Russell thought that the Great Pyramid of Gizeh was God’s stone witness, corroborating Biblical time periods. (Isa. 19:19) But Jehovah’s Witnesses have abandoned the idea that an Egyptian pyramid has anything to do with true worship. (See “Watchtower” issues of November 15 and December 1, 1928)
  • While the cemetery is not Masonic, the symbols on the pyramid in front of his tomb stone certainly are. They include several Masonic symbols including a cross and crown/ Just look up CHARLES TAZE RUSSELL GRAVE SITE and see the pictures for yourself. And Russell was friends with Alister Crowley when they were Masonic members in Rite Order of Knight's Templar in NYC in the 1870's. Looks like they're busted again.
  • The cemetery isn't Masonic,it is open to public burial.However,it has a lot of Masons buried there due to the fact that it DOES overlook a Masonic Temple.Also, his will stipulated that he be buried in New York, I've seen it.However, short of digging it up,I can not vouch for that.I am not a JW, but I have a VERY curious mind, and have always researched religion.Russell had some eccentric ideas,due to his upbringing, but I believe that in his mind he honestly thought he was doing some good, and could apply all his knowledge to turn others towards God, also his Bible knowledge,was excellent.All that said, there is not one branch of Christianity that is not tainted by Paganism.And quite honestly one of the biggest offenders, in ritual and tenant is the Catholic church.They have just as many, if not more questionable connections.Also,One more interesting fact the Cross & Crown was used by Catholics LONG, LONG, before it was ever used by Russell,his students, or the JWs, and that's an historical fact,look it up.Like I said I'm always searching, amazing what a computer science degree, curiousity, and a pot of coffee can do,LOL.I won't get into a drawn out whine, moan, brag, insult, or blame game in this, so don't bother. I put my two-cents in, and it's more than valid. Much Love to All.Tootles.Truth Rules.
  • The crematory was closed that day
  • He was not a Mason, and Rosemont Cem. Is not a Mason cemetary, and there are no other graves there with a pyramid either. Russell died on 10/31/1916 and the Masonic temple at the cemetary was built in the fall of 1972, the masons do not own the cemetary. With that said, youmust understand that all witnesses come from other religions. Upon becoming a member "Officialy" they are to cast off all former beliefs and traditions and customs and idols and crosses and everything else. "It is by faith alone we walk not by site" They do not use ANY images of ANY! kind whatsoever!. Understand that god called them, his people out of false religion, just like the Jews in Egypt. The witnesses are the most diverse religion in the entire world! Russells family members may have put the Pyramid there, not him. He never promoted Pyramidology or any thing like it, even similarly. He used the Pyramid to corroborate Bible records, because at that time there was little or no other way of dating or refering to dates, but the Egyptian records where there in stone. He did not EVER! promote egyptology!
  • And also he researched other civilizations as well, most noteably Babylon and Mesopatamia and many others to, although noonementions that. But specificaly regarding the Pyramid at the gravesite, remember that the Witnesses were coming out of false religion just like the ancient Isrealites did. Many many times all throughout the Bible record we see them going back to forbidden false worship, and ultimately they lost thier lives over it. The early witnesses also had to work at true worship as well. They thre out many common customs that other religions practice, ie. Christmas, Easter, Halloween and many many others. The witnesses used to have an annual X-Mas party, but they stopped. Try to put up a X-Mas tree at a kingdom Hall NOT HAPPENING! So it's not important to dwell on thier past, although it is interesting, just as they dont dwell on the past practices of any other member and what they used to do.Allthough they do comment on it from time to time in an educating way. Russell may or may not have been a Mason, who realy cares! The witnesses are not hidding anything at all, they will answer anything you ask them, just not VIA the internet, but via nail mail only, for many reasons, one is to avoid tie wasting SPAM from pranksters. The question is realy about your faith? WWhat are you going to do about it? Many witnesses are from every type of religion there is even Vodoo Doctors, and Satanist's, however they throw all that away and practice it no more, just like the ancient Isrealites did with thier Pagan worship. They didnt go graveyard hunting for pagan burial stones, they knew they were there, they did'nt care nor did God. As long as you know that those things were Pagan and God dishonoring, and move on to greater acceptance of God. Look the Pyramid is no hidden secret, they just dont talk about it because they have other more important things to do and the time is getting shorter everyday! So leave gravehunting alone and search for the truth in the Bible, not on an old grave marker! Leave the past were it is, behind us, and work towards what you should be doing to be accepted by God, stop worrying about an old Grave stone, it will get you nowhere. Graves are very private matters and people should leave them that way, do you want me climbing all over your friends and loved ones and criticising thier stone? It's a very private matter. . . Leave it alone and seek Jehovah God, not a mystery of a grave stone. Who cares? ? ?
  • Let's let CT Russell answer that once and for all time shall we. "Although I have never been a Mason, I have heard that in Masonry they have something which very closely illustrates all of this. It is in riding the goat, etc. And the Bible calls for the goat, you know. The Bible tells you that your goat, which you have to ride more or less every day, is your own flesh. Our Masonic friends have it down very fine. I do not know where they got it so well. I have often wondered where they found out so many of the secrets of our High and Accepted Order of Masonry. From the time you come in to be a member of the Royal Priesthood."

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