Male ballet dancers.
Danseurs or Dancers.
Manly dancer
Smart Not too many situations where your likely to be the only male surrounded by woman. All of whom want you to lift and carry them! :)
Since female dancers are called ballerina's I was hoping to find a masculine version. Searching I found a possibility of ballerino.
Bali Rhinos
prancing idiots in tights.
Well.. since you didn't asked what they are called.. you asked what do I call them... Sissy's or fairies..
A Ballet Dancer Danseur Ballerino Cavalier
Well we just call them... dancers haha
man in thights
Danseurs. The lead dancer, the one who partners the lead ballerina, is sometimes called "danseur noble."
I am actually a male ballet dancer. We are called danciers (pronounced dan-sea-ers) There is no such thing as ballerino
danseur or cavalier - anyone who calles them "ballerino" is an moron.
Males are called ballet dancers and females arecalled ballerinas. Helpful??
Ballbags in tights.
harold not maude.
Anything you want... EXEPT "Dave the Magnificent".
danseur is what a male ballet dancer is called, it's just a French word for dancer.
Okay, here it is. Male ballet dancers are called Danseurs, sometimes Danseur Nobel if they are a "star". Most refer to themselves as the same as the women do, as "Ballet dancers." Ballerinas are only called that if they are the star Principal dancers in a company. Sometimes you are referred to by your rank in the company such as Principal (Etoiles), soloist, or corps. de ballet. For reference purposes I am a graduate of an elite ballet academy in NYC and am a male ballet dancer. A Danseur.
Fags. JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't resist and noone else said it yet. Spare yourselves the energy and anger please, I'm not homophobic and I don't really think male ballet dancers are gay...we all know you're studs.
Alatea said it right. But dancer is unisex and not limited to one dance category, whereas danseurs are specifically male ballet dancers. (To tell you the truth, I think it'd be better if ballet dancers of both sexes were simply called, well, ballet dancers. The other genres don't have pretty names in other languages; it isn't fair.)
A ballet dancer.
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