• DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid, which stores information on what cell should do what, and who we are. H2O is Dihydrogen Monoxide (Water!) and is a solvent, temperature buffer, and all round valuable building block for most life systems. CO2 is Carbon Dioxide, a waste product in the body, and is the chemical that is monitored in order to tell the the brain and then the rest of the body how much you need to breathe. Thats right, the breathing mechanism is reliant on CO2 concentration rather than Oxygen. Strange huh? - Its why you can hold your breath for a while, and just when you think you have lost it, breathe out (ridding the body of CO2) and last a little bit longer. ATP is Adenosine triphosphate (oroxyphosphonic acid) and is a fundemental chemical energy transporting molecule within and between cells. For more info on ATP:
  • That's got to be the easiest biology multiple choice question ever. You must know something about DNA? You know it contains the instructions for cells. It took a long time to discover it. That's partly because there's so little of it compared to the other stuff. Water is no good for storing energy - put a match to it and boringly, no energy is released at all. In fact, it takes a great deal of energy to break water apart. Carbon Dioxide also puts out the match. And Carbon dioxide is what we breathe out - would we breathe out our store of energy? So even if you haven't got a clue what ATP is, you should still have worked out that it must be the right answer on your own. ATP is adenosine triphosphate. The body converts ADP adenosine diphosphate by adding a phosphate group. The bond connecting the phosphate group stores the energy in a readily available form.

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