Wisdom. Intelligence is the sword, wisdom is the wielder.
empathy for all living things
Communion. I don't see it possible in the history of his existance.
Compassion to his fellow beings.
Altruism and self-interest, tempered by wisdom.
The two highest achievements of the human mind are the twin concepts of βloyaltyβ and βduty.β Whenever these twin concepts fall into disrepute--get out of there fast. You may possibly save yourself, but it is too late to save that society. It is doomed. from the notebooks of lazarus long smile and enjoy the night--cool question have some points
Love and charity.
When he distinguishes himself from animals, then he becomes a human. When he realises that he is the highest of all creation, then he becomes a human. When he develops his intellect, then he becomes a human. When he becomes an example for others, then he becomes a human. When he transcends the common limitations through his wisdom, then he becomes best of humans.
the greatest attribute mankind has is free will. without which we cannot show love or charity..
No. In fact, I don't think they can exist apart from one another, unless you count the mythic figures we regard as ideals - and insofar as someone is idealized, he/she is not real. We are born self-interested because helpless, and we grow up benefited by other people's generosity - parents and others. We learn, by experience, example, parable (etc.) that giving is part of being good, and we learn to pass that on. Altruism is born of the desire to be fully a human being. The self interest of an adult is very different from the self interest of a child. Giving "feels good." Wisdom creates a balance between our wish to give and our wish to preserve the economic stability of ourselves, those we care for, and the society. To clarify the last statement - If all who were trying to be good really DID follow Christ's advice to "go, sell all thou hast and give to the poor and come follow Me," the society would collapse and be taken over by those who DON'T want to be good.
Free will and Love
the ability to make decisions on their own, and stop looking to fairy tales for guidance
Wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to make good use of all your other abilities. To priotize the right abilities, and to do your outmost to achieve these priorities. There can be no greater attribute than this as a wise man will both, love, be happy, be able etc. Love does not guarantee ability or happiness, and happiness is a state and not an ability.
Playstation 4.
Expecting people to love their neighbor is na?ve, but if they could tolerate their neighbor, there would be much less misery in the world.
Love one another.
Excellent Question! And some good answers too. My first thought is Empathy. With that it would temper the exploitive behavior we see in the world today.
being nice to people
Love (1 Cor 13:4-8).
The love of it's maker and kindness towards a fellow human. Not even animals achieve such attributes hence why they have not reached the potentials human have.
a brain
To care about all other human beings
To know Jesus and to do His will.
The ability to learn
Existence. Without that, all other attributes are largely pointless.
tolerance toward different races, ethnic backgrounds, religions, sexual prefernces, lifestyles . Last one as long they aren't harmful to others, self.
Trust. Earned trust.
atΒ·tribΒ·ute noun a quality or feature regarded as a characteristic or inherent part of someone or something. "Love" is the greatest attribute that man can posses. In 1 Corinthians 13:13 is says..."Now, however, these three remain: faith, hope, love; but the greatest of these is love". In Galatians 5:22 Love is listed first of the fruitages of the spirit "the fruitages of the spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control. What would the world be like if everyone used Love and the other quality's listed in the Bible as their guide in life. Jesus said "you must love your neighbor as yourself in Matthew 22:39 "The second, like it, is this: βYou must love your neighbor as yourself". Who is our neighbor? Jesus showed us that our neighbor is anyone in need, at Luke Chapter 10 starting in verse 25 to 37. So my thought is LOVE is the greatest attribute mankind can possess. If you would like more information on this or other Bible topics please login to
A - existence - B - life ... and we could continue...
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