• The original Goblin was Norman Osborn, a ruthless industrialist who co-founded a major firm with Dr. Mendel Stromm. To seize total control, Osborn had Stromm framed for embezzlement and then searched his possessions, discovering an experimental strength/intelligence enhancement formula. When Osborn attempted to create the serum, it turned green and exploded in his face. The accident changed Osborn, greatly increasing his intelligence and strength, but also drove him insane. The Green Goblin kills Gwen Stacy. Cover to Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #122. Art by John Romita, Sr..Osborn adopted the bizarre identity of the Green Goblin with the goal of becoming the Boss of the city's organized crime. This was intended to be complemented by defeating Spider-Man, a relatively low-powered opponent whom he was confident he could defeat to enhance his reputation. To this end, Osborn created a personal flying device, which started in a broomstick-like shape and evolved into his Goblin Glider, and hand grenade-like explosive weapons resembling pumpkins, a number of thrown projectile weapons called Razor-Bats featuring sharp blades (much like a certain Batman's batarangs), and blaster equipped gloves which fired energy blasts from the finger tips. Thus equipped, Osborn set out to achieve his twin goals, only to be frustrated at every turn by Spider-Man. Frustrated, Osborn decided to lie low until he was sure his enemy's guard was down. When he was ready, Osborn arranged to have Spider-Man exposed to a special gas designed to suppress his spider sense. With that done, Goblin shadowed him until he learned he was really Peter Parker, and then captured him. In turn, Osborn revealed his own identity to Peter and ranted about his origin and his intentions of killing his greatest enemy, before releasing Peter to do battle. Peter defeated Osborn, who lost his memory and had his costume destroyed by Spider-Man to eliminate his menace. Harry Osborn becomes the new Green Goblin. Cover to Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #136. Art by Ross Andru.For a long while, the Goblin personality periodically re-emerged in Osborn to bedevil Spider-Man, only to be forced down in turn when he was defeated. Finally, the Goblin took control one final time and threatened the love of Spider-Man's life, Gwen Stacy, by kidnapping her and taking her to the top of a bridge in New York City. During the resulting battle, the Goblin committed one of his most brutal crimes, pushing Gwen from the bridge and Spider-Man's attempt to save her failed. With blood in his eyes, Spider-Man pursued the Green Goblin for revenge, but managed to control himself after defeating him in battle. In one final attempt to kill him, the Goblin tried to spear Spider-Man with his remote control glider, only to be himself impaled by the gilder's sharp points when Spider-Man avoided the attack. The Goblin was presumed dead for years.

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