• Carnage (Cletus Kasady) is a fictional supervillain in the Spider-Man comic book published by Marvel Comics. He was created by comic book writer David Michelinie. Cletus Kasady first appeared in Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1 #344. As Carnage, he made a cameo in #360 before making his first full appearance in #361. Carnage was once serial killer Cletus Kasady, and became Carnage after merging with the offspring of the alien symbiote called Venom during a prison breakout. The symbiote amplified his psychopathy and made him infinitely more dangerous. Unlike Venom, Carnage is a singular entity, referring to himself as "I" instead of "We", because the symbiote has actually merged into Kasady's bloodstream. Carnage is also the "father" of Toxin. Kasady believes he killed his father, who apparently killed the boy's mother when she tried to kill him; as he is completely insane, however, he is self-admittedly unclear on the exact details ("...or is it the other way around?"). It is also unclear on Kasady's relationship with his mother, as he seems to have feelings for her, causing him to dig up her grave at the end of Maximum Carnage. He also revealed that he killed his grandmother when he was younger, pushing her down a flight of stairs. He also tortured animals (including his own dog) when he was young. His largely self-invented past and personality is one of the many traits he shares with the Joker, upon whom he is largely based.

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