• Diablo (real name Esteban Corazon de Ablo) is a fictional character, a supervillain in the Marvel Comics universe who is an enemy of the Fantastic Four. He is an evil alchemist. He was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in Fantastic Four volume 1 #30. de Ablo was born into nobility in the 9th century in Spain. He traveled throughout Europe in search of a secret for immortality. He eventually sold his soul to the demon named Mephisto. Mephisto gave him the secret of eternal life. He set up a laboratory in Transylvania, but an angry mob of villagers buried him alive. de Ablo (or Diablo, as he was now known) entered suspended animation until the 20th century, at which point he was able to mentally manipulate the Thing into freeing him. Aside from being an enemy of the Fantastic Four himself, he also had a large role in the creation of the Dragon Man, who also fought the Fantastic Four. Diablo has also fought the Avengers and Spider-Man. Recently, he aided the Fantastic Four in driving the chaos demon Shuma-Gorath back to its home dimension.

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