• Yes, it was "capable of generating its own webbing and improving most of Spider-Man's abilities. He rejected it." -------------- Although the details and proportions have changed somewhat over the years, with a few notable exceptions, Spider-Man's costume has remained fairly consistent. The standard costume is a form-fitting fabric covering his entire body. From the waist down, it is dark blue (or sometimes black, depending on the colorist), except for mid-calf boots with a black web pattern on a red background. From the waist up, the fabric is the red-and-black web pattern, except for his back, sides, and insides of his upper arms, which are dark blue. There is a large red spider outline on his back, and a smaller black spider emblem on his chest. The mask has large white eyes rimmed with black that allow him to see but hide his eyes. He is sometimes depicted with "under-arm webbing" connecting his arms to his torso. When Ben Reilly replaced Peter Parker in the role, he altered the costume to make the chest spider cover the entire torso. Instead of a large red spider on his back, the web pattern and spider emblem were repeated there. The gloves had web-shooters on the outside, and the web design on the boots and gloves was partially replaced with dark blue. The "Iron Spider" costume. Art by Michael Turner.One of the most significant alterations to Spider-Man's costume came about in the mid-1980s, after his return from the Secret Wars. He appeared in an almost all-black costume, with a large white black widow spider emblem on the chest and back, and with built-in webshooters on the back of his hands. The costume turned out to be a living symbiotic creature, capable of generating its own webbing and improving most of Spider-Man's abilities. Spider-Man rejected the symbiote after finding out it was alive and trying to merge with him. He did however wear a non-living version of the black costume until the new occupant of the living costume, Venom, frightened Mary Jane so badly that she could no longer stand to see Peter in the non-living black costume. Despite Mary Jane's objections, Peter has continued to use the black costume on a few occasions, when stealth was required (e.g. Peter Parker: Spider-Man #13). During the late 90's he acquired four separate costumes during the Identity Crisis storyline. He went by the identities of Dusk, Ricochet, Hornet, and Prodigy. These costumes and identities were later used by four other people in the Slingers comic book series. As a result of the events of the recent storyline The Other, Iron Man has given Spidey a new costume with a red and gold color scheme, designed to deal with his new transformation as well give him a few technological updates.
  • wow, have you seen how it defines his muscles and bunches up around his groin, now ladies, you cart tell me that dousnt make it special

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