• I mean with "real people", not animated.
  • The Hulk Spiderman and sequels Superman and sequels X men series Denise the Menace Scoopy Doo Movies Flash Gordan (1980) Underdog Batman and several sequels Spawn Daredevil Dick Tracy Fantastic Four I think there is a new Marmaduke movie? I'll probably think of half a dozen more as soon as I hit the submit button; don't you hate that?
  • Superman I-IV and Superman Returns Batman (1943), Batman (1966), Batman (1989 Tim Burton), Batman Returns, Batman Forever, Batman & Robin, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight Spider-Man I-III X-Men I-III Daredevil, Electra Blade I-III Punisher (1989), The Punisher (2004), Punisher: War Zone Hulk, The Incredible Hulk Iron Man Fantastic Four, FF: Rise of the Silver Surfer Hellboy, Hellboy: The Golden Army 300, Sin City, The Spirit Catwoman Steel Captain America Wanted I know there's a bunch of early 40's and 50's stuff missing, but most of them are impossible to find and really not worth it from the few I've seen. I'm sure I'm missing something significant, but that should do it for now. Deliberately avoided anything that has yet to be released, that's a whole massive list of it's own, though I'd bet most of them end up stuck in development hell for a few more years. But all the same, can't wait for Watchmen. Not even touching newspaper strips or I'd be here all day.

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