• This could be the remedy you are looking for. Hope it helps. Why won’t my orchid rebloom? The most common reasons are: The plant is sympodial and hasn't grown a new lead yet. The plant isn't getting enough light The root system is damaged and that is taxing the plant's strength. You're not exposing the plant to sufficient temperature fluctuation. There is too much salt (TDS) in your water. Sympodial: Most of the common sympodial orchids only bloom once from each growth. If your plant hasn't produced a new growth, it cannot flower until it does. Light: This is the most common problem. Unless you are growing entirely under artificial light, plants need to be close to a window, no more than a couple feet away at most. Plants "see" light from above, not sideways, and if you grow your plants too far from a window you will notice new growths becoming smaller and the leaves much narrower. If the leaves are dark green, the plant definitely isn't getting enough light. The plant will not be able to store the energy it needs to bloom. Poor root systems: This is one of the most common problems and it is usually caused by over-watering, or forgetting to repot when the medium is broken down. If this happens you will have to repot is as soon as possible in order to re-establish the root system. Temperature: For most spring blooming orchids, it is the cool nights of winter that initiate the development of a spike. Temperatures should drop below 60Β° Fahrenheit at night (preferably below 55Β°) for at least two week, and rise to over 65-75Β° during the day. Generally a 10-15Β° diurnal/nocturnal temperature fluctuation is needed to initiate flowering for most orchids. Bad Water: The water you give your orchids should be clean. The amount of total dissolved solids (TDS) that different genera can tolerate varies widely, but almost no orchids enjoy being subjected to frequent doses of salty water. Ideally, you'd use rain (very slightly acidic rain water is what most orchids are exposed to in nature), distilled water, or reverse osmosis water. In areas where the water municipality softens the water with dissolved salts, the accumulated minerals that build up in the potting media will most likely slow down, damage, or kill root growth in orchids. You can combat this with periodic leaching with high quality water. If possible, use bottled water to feed your orchids. If you live someplace where the tap water quality is truly horrid, such as in Southern California, you should really consider installing an RO system to purify your water. Beautiful photo Β© Joseph Dougherty

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