• Neither Moses nor Jesus have actually been demonstrated to be literal historical figures. The best historical sources put the Exodus (if it actually happened) somewhere around 1270 BCE. Jesus is widely believed to have been born around 0 CE. Thus, your answer is that yes, Moses was born approximately 1300 years before Jesus (making the unsubstantiated assumption that either ever lived).
  • I just answered this question. The only records kept of the lives of either of these men are by their followers, which is why neither can be proven to be a literal, historical figure. ******************************************* Neither Moses nor Jesus have actually been demonstrated to be literal historical figures. The best historical sources put the Exodus (if it actually happened) somewhere around 1270 BCE. Jesus is widely believed to have been born around 0 CE. Thus, your answer is that yes, Moses was born approximately 1300 years before Jesus (making the unsubstantiated assumption that either ever lived).
  • Yes way before, the record being the Bible.
  • Truth?????? JESUS WAS WITH GOD FROM THE VERY BEGINNING. So Moses may of been born here on earth first, before Mary had Jesus here on earth. But Jesus came from God into Mary by the Holy Spirit. Remember in the beginning were it stated the words Let "us" Genesis Chapter 1 V-26.
  • As a believer of the holy Scriptures, I believe that Jesus Christ is God come in the flesh and thus, He has always existing. He existed long before He was born as a baby to Mary, but as far as His earthly birth is concerned, Moses was born into this world before Jesus came to earth because the Old Testament was written hundreds of years before the New Testament was written down. How many years? Good question. I cannot tell you for sure on that. I hope that this helps. Thank you and may God bless you. :) -In Jesus' Name.
  • Jesus (in human form) was born after Moses. This can also be proven from a variety of ancient text not just the Bible. Examples of these source include the writtings of Josephus, Testimonium Flavianum, Talmud, The Tol'doth Yeshu, along with the writtings of Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, Suetonius, Thallus, Phlegon, Mara Bar-Serapion, Lucian, Tertullian, and Thallus.

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