• I knew her briefly. When I was selling drugs she came to my home a few times with some other people I knew to score. I honestly was not very fond of her because she was very demanding and felt like everyone should go way out of their way for her. (like wanting to come over at 3 am to score even after I said no, and wanting to meet MY dealer so she could go above me) From other people I know that knew her better they say she was a great artist, but I never got to see that side of her. I was also not impressed after she had her valve replacement surgery, which I believe Layne paid for, and then continued to use drugs afterwards knowing that it could bring back the endocarditis, which eventually killed her Wish I knew more, sorry! I know also that her family was very private about everything afterwards, I think they had some money and any references to her by them never mentioned the drug addiction or anything.
  • looks like she had some problems with the law as well for prostitution. Sad story.
  • hey, theres a lot lot more to demri than just the drugs. its sad thats the first stuff that comes up. i recently posted this link on another demri question, but check out this site if you want to know about her. it was created by a close friend of layne and demri

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