Especially when it has been filleted.
flesh = meat
True. Unless one is of one of the Catholic denominations.
True. Unless you're talking to my husband or Nitroduck after a few good brewskies.. lol! Then the answer will be some kind of guttural howling, followed by lots of grunting and drumming on the barbeque... NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
False! meat (mt) n. 1. The edible flesh of animals, especially that of mammals as opposed to that of fish or poultry. 2. The edible part, as of a piece of fruit or a nut. 3. The essence, substance, or gist: the meat of the editorial. 4. Slang Something that one enjoys or excels in; a forte: Tennis is his meat. 5. Nourishment; food: "Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink" Edna St. Vincent Millay. 6. Vulgar Slang a. The human body regarded as an object of sexual desire. b. The genitals.
Unreservedly true: dead carcasses are meat. Fish, fowl, mammal. Yummmm? Nope.
imo it is true. Why? Because fish are living creatures capable of self movement over large scales.
Afcourse True!
Wikipedia Says: NO? "Meat, in its broadest definition, is animal tissue used as food. Most often it refers to skeletal muscle and associated fat, but it may also refer to non-muscle organs, including lungs, livers, skin, brains, bone marrow and kidneys. The word meat is also used by the meat packing and butchering industry in a more restrictive sense - the flesh of mammalian species (pigs, cattle, etc.) raised and butchered for human consumption, to the exclusion of fish, poultry, and eggs. Eggs and seafood are rarely referred to as meat even though they consist of animal tissue. Animals that consume only or mostly animals are carnivores."
I say "true"
Yes, in my opinion. It's not a herb for sure.
True. This is why you won't see vegetarians in India eat fish.
The distinction between fish and "meat" is codified by Jewish laws of kashrut regarding the mixing of milk and meat, which does not forbid the mixing of milk and fish. Modern halakha (Jewish law) on kashrut classifies the flesh of both mammals and birds as "meat"; fish are considered to be parve รยครยรยจรยขรโขรโข ,its neither meat nor dairy. The Catholic dietary restriction to "meat" on Fridays also does not apply to the cooking and eating of fish.
False. see joy of cooking. Separate chapters.
Fish is just fish hense the reason it is in the FIsh and poultry food group. and excluded from the group containing red "meat" because it, logicaly, is not meat. but maybe it could be considered meat; if you consider chicken to be meat then you must also consider fish to be meat as they are in the same food group.
ITS MEAT, its the flesh of another creature, how are some people so stupid to not see it as meat!!!!
am gona say true cause of the song whale meat again dont know when dont know where but i know whale meat again some sunny day
I say true.
True. A fish is an animal, so it's meat.
That depends on your definition of meat.
Actually my opinion is that fish is meat not a plant.
Fish is an animal so true.
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