• Are you married? Are you common law? If you are not, you will have to apply for immigration to Canada. Canada has a large number of people who apply to immigrate, so Canada gets to choose the best of the immigrants. The Canadian system of immigration uses a point system to assess the value of someone to immigrate. Health, stability, employment, skills, education are all part of the total package. There are extra points available for those who speak both official languages as well. You will also need to be able to prove that you have funds available so that you will not become a drain on society. In fact, the reason you need to be in good health is that when you immigration to also instantly get full and unlimited health care in Canada. Start by looking at how many points you will get and how your job is viewed. Contact your local embassy or consulate about the steps needed. Get back and get a job and start to put money away. If your current job qualifications are university backed you may also be able to look for work in Canada under NAFTA and a TN visa. You will need to look up your current job quaifications against those specific job requirements under NAFTA. It's not always easy to find a job in a foreign country, but it is 100% legal to work in Canada under NAFTA rules if you do qualify. If you instead are planning on marrying, you will need to contact the embassy and consulate about that. As a married couple you will (after jumping thorough certain hoops) be allowed to stay and immigrate to Canada and get your citizenship over a five year period. Be aware that Canadian mentality is quite different from American mentality and you will need to adjust to that as well. Canada is a country that sees human rights as a very important value and therefore doesn't have the same discriminations or values as the USA. For example, Canadians are more concerned with violence on TV than with sex or lewd language. We are much more concerned with a sexist or homophobic remark which might garner no interest in the USA. We pay heavy taxes and while we want to pay less, we are also happy with the services that we get and talking badly of our medical system won't get you a lot of friends. Start to learn more about Canada and Canadians. The Canadian government is there to help people and send them to the right office. The phone number is 1-800-O-CANADA. They are there there to help. Ask for the help you need and spend the time getting the information that you need.

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