• perhaps.
  • Yeah I've heard of that too. Maybe because the inmates have been deprived of sex while inside. I'm not sure though, those are just stories.
  • It's not a given but it is possible.
  • According to, you have a higher chance of getting stabbed than raped. • 25-30% chance of getting killed during your prison sentence. • 10-15% chance of getting raped during your prison sentence. • 30-40% chance of getting stabbed during your prison sentence. • 80-90% chance of getting beaten during your prison sentence.
  • Why do you ask this kind of question? Did you do something criminal and you are afraid of going to jail or prison? Be good and you may just get a white woman someday. Oh, if you go to jail, you will not collect $200.
  • There is that very real possibility. I have a few friends that have worked as CO's at Pelican Bay and I asked them about how bad it really is. They all said the same thing pretty much but my favorite answer from one of them was "There is substantial assf*****g, yes." I don't know how much of that is rape, but it does happen EDIT: just realized you said "jail". I'm sure it's very rare in jail (inmate threw me)
  • Not in jails which do not house nearly the same types of law breakers that prisons do. There is a greater chance that anything bad will happen to you as opposed to a jail which is dramatically different in the composition of it's inmates as opposed to a prison population.
  • Yes. Often. You should bring diapers.
  • Depends on how cute your look, if your fat and butt ugly you will not get raped. Do don't walk in there lookin pretty..or have a shitty butt and stink if you don't want to get raped.
  • It depends on what prison they are in in some of the tougher prisons it happend quite regularly
  • it may be pssible
  • It has happened in the past - and I'm sure it is still going on...both anal and oral sex.
  • If he's pretty enough. If you don't think you would like it try and make yourself as ugly as possible before you go in. Watch Shawshank Redemption sometime.
  • sometimes. as soon as you get to prison you need to find a way to make a weapon and when showeing just act cool. if someone walks up to you than you show the weapon and they'll usually leave you alone.
  • being ugly won't protect molesters or bernie madoff.

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