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NO...for 1 you are only shouldnt be having sex. and if your gf wants to have sex with you and another girl then she must not be that into you like that because she wouldnt be bringing another girl into the relationship. But wait you are only 16!
go for only live once..if you dont like it dont do it again..but u prob will;) it wont kill u..its only sex
if all agree enjoy. make films . send to me.. lol
you go for it, when you have a job.keep in pants till then
If you would love to do this for her, she would love to experience it, and you are all consenting to it, you should go ahead and do it.
Go for it verity is the spice of life ;)
i have had an all girl threesome before and it was hella fun. do it up!! ur gonna want to do it again and again (and again and again)
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