• As much as she may want to stay pals with him, if he still has feelings for her, she should stop talking to him and give him time to get over it. And if he can't be understanding in the situation then he isn't a real friend to her anyway. It already sounds like he doesn't have much respect for her by badmouthing you.
  • I think of this as an opportunity for your GF to rise to the occasion and back away from the ex right now- especially if he's saying things about you, and trying to win her back. I would talk to her about it, and let her know his behavior is inappropriate, and that if he can't behave like an adult, that he shouldn't be in your life. If she can't do it, honestly, and I'm sorry to say this- she may still have feelings for him and may not be ready to let him go. Good luck, and I hope this works out in your favor.
  • I believe she is not being respectful to you. Relationships need boundaries and they need to be healthy ones.When your girlfriend continuing to be friends with someone she know is attacted to her(wanting more than just friends), it is not fair to you. Now she may want to be his friend, but it is not good for either you or her. You have the right to demand that they no longer have contact. It may not be a easy thing for you to do, but it is the best thing for you. Relationships are complex and sometimes you need to make sacrafices for each other. I think this would be one sacrafice she should and would want to do for you. Your girlfrind is putting her and her exboyfriend feelings well before yours. She is being selfish. She may still want to be friends, but needs recognize that this is hurting you.
  • You shouldn't have to deal with this. She should have enough respect for you to not want to be around people who try to put you down in her eyes. She needs to be blunt with him and let him know that you and she are together right now, and if he wants to be her friend, he is going to have to deal with you. What she should NOT be doing is going out of her way to leave you at home so that she can hang out with him without you. She sould be letting him get his way and giving him hope that he still has rights to her - which he shouldn't. The way she handles this situation is how you'll know if she's the kind of girl you should want to date.
  • Take it from me. If you happen to read this post and are still dating her and she is still friends with him. Heed my advice--make her choose now!! I was in the exact situation, I started dating a girl who had broken up with her boyfriend of 3 years for me. She refused to quit being his friend and after a year of tearing down my emotional walls and me falling in love with her. She broke up with me and went back to her ex-boyfriend. It definitely sucked.
  • funnily enuf the exact same is happening with me ! my girlriend was with her boyfriend for 2 and a hlaf years ! but he used to abuse her and treat her like crap! so about a week after she spli with him we started seeing each other ! and then 4 weeks after that we started going out its been 3, nearly 4 weeks since we started going out! but she has recently realised that she still has feelings for her ex and doesnt no wether she wants to b with me or him because he has been texting her sayin he loves her and wants her back and hes changed so hes obviously manipulated her and she believes he has changed ! but she says she is confused but she says it is the right thing to do to stay with me ! but she has gone to see him today to give his stuff back and get hers and im relly worried! and im going on holiday for 2 weeks in 2days and i dont want to come back to her having left me and being with her ex! she is 16, im 17 , and he is nearly 19
  • Don't deal with it, tell her that you didn't put her in this situation, she did and she has to decide who is more important.
  • Make him look obsessed and rediculous and obsessed; like tell this to him in front of her; remember girls like boys that are just a little bit cocky; if he continues to bother you breake his legs. Thats how we do it in Ukraine and tell your girlfriend that you paied for his hospitalisation.
  • If she is telling you all this sounds like she loves all the drama and the strokes of having two men like her more than she does being with you.

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