My kids carry around their stuffed animals, balls, snacks, rocks, sticks, sometimes baby brother, and anything else that might fit.
A sibling...
a dog or puppy
If it were my daughter, I'd expect to find stuffed animals, stones, sticks, handfuls of grass and leaves, bugs, worms, sand, and/or dirt.
The following things (or people or animals) might be found in a child's wagon: 1) A brother or a sister. 2) A friend. 3) Books. 4) Discoveries (ie. bugs, rocks, etc). 5) Beach toys and other things to use at the beach. 6) Sports equipment. 7) A pet. 8) Picnic supplies & food. 9) etc. Can you tell I've worked at a camp and live in a big family?
my new tools i can't find.
A big stuffed teddy bear that they got at the fair.
a teddy bear
Personally...i would give my child a puppy but i wouldnt be surprised if it came back dolled up...aww baby takes after her daddy
Roadkill... for a proper burial
Usually their "best buddy." A favorite toy, stuffed animal, sibling, friend, etc.
For a little girl it would probably be here baby doll and all of its accessories. +5
40 pounds of calf liver.
An angry cat in a diaper.
Barbie dolls my little pony toys younger sibling Blocks Shoes Teddy Balls Parents items Leaves and flowers if they are in the yard
My son always pulled around his cat.
Their favorite "teddy bear", doll, or "bankie"!
Dollies,rocks,little cherishables(like chewed gum!)*Cute thought.*
If they're anything like my two then eachother!
the family cat! For a few seconds anyway....
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