• I tried. It failed.
  • I haven't tried because I believe. I also understand the concept of 'unintended consequences'. There is no way to be sure that what is done will not actually make things worse. For an excellent example watch the movie Babel. The trigger was an act of gratitude (not magic), but the whole movie is the unintended consequence of that act. I have a friend that uses magic to soften the attitude of someone who is offensive. It seems to work for her. But she too is unwilling to try to really change things.
  • I have had some work for me ,when in the right state of mind.
  • it works onforth levitation and so forth healing
  • I have done some and they worked. I beleive it is how much you put into it and what your intentions are. Spells need to be done correctly.
  • I once picked up a hitchhiker, said the right things, and then we turned into a motel. :o)
  • I've had two work, but then I don't really cast spells that often unless they're necessary. I doubt if I cast a money spell, and then start playing the lottery that I would win. Spells don't work like that anyway. :) So, yes, I've had to spells work but they were very carefully worded so as to not offend the gods and goddess.
  • I don't know if it was a spell, telepathy or just someother psych thing, but yes, it got results. One time I was in a defacto and the woman started to get really nasty to her teen kids, still do not know why! Several times I would, I suppose, meditate thinking that she would get sick. About a week later, I came home and she was in bed sick, I said whats wrong, she said, went to the doctor and he said I have foot and mouth disease and given medication. Over the next week, she had improved and there after, she was back to being a normal person, and the kids loved having her back the way she was, a good person again. That was the first time ever, that I wished a person sick and the last. I also find, that when I am really broke and only wished I had some money, for some money come to me in strange ways, not a lot, but it seems to come in.
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  • I haven't tried many, but I haven't had one fail yet.
  • have you ever seen the fresh prince episode where they go to a warlock type guy and then return to that address after things got weird and it was totally different? well that happened to me in Reno off of keystone ave behind the gas station near second st. across from the old keystone lounge. i started hearing this sound like crickets or something but a steady buzzing sound. it was so loud i could almost feel it(very annoying) as i passed this house a man jumped out with a big headdress of some sort and yelled i put a spell on you! there was a tapestry instead of a door and tiki torches everywere. i thought nothing of it other than he was a crazy old man! when i pointed out the house to my gf the next day the torches were gone and the door was shut and the house looked completely different. she said "if theres any house thats the one" this threw me into wondering what she knew about this guy because it was her neighbor but i just dropped it and did not think much of it anymore... recently i am beginning to wonder more and more with recent sightings that some would call delusional or illusionary. i once accused her of stealing a pair of tweezers after she stayed at my house and they disappeared... she denied it up and down claiming i was delusional and offered evidence in her defense... she empties a bag full of tweezers on the bed, maybe 25 pairs or more and i was really shocked she said look how many i have why would i steal yours... i began like i just went from fresh prince to honey i'm dating a kleptomaniac... now that i look back with an open mind thinking that these two events may be more than coincidence and maybe magic of some sort really does exist!
  • As I stated in an earlier answer, yes I believe there is something there, whatever it is. When I was 5 to 6 years old, we had lanes behind our houses so the night dunny man could collect our toilet waste. Like everyone else, I would take the lane as a short cut to the bus stop, shops etc. Being a young kid and never having any money, I always knew if I wanted an ice cream, I could always find a 3D coin (3 cents)in the lane, I never fail to find the coin. A few years ago, I was really broke and while walking to the shop next door to where I was living, there was a bird on the lawn and next to it was a $50 note. I saw the note and the bird and wondered if the the bird would take that nice peice of plastic and take off with it for it's nest. Well the bird flew off, leaving the note for me to pick up. So did the bird deliver me that $50 somehow? Then just recently, I was not overly broke, however, when walking past an ATM, I heard a loud beep, looking over to it, there was a $50 note sticking out of the money draw, so I grabed it. Most times, when I am really short of money, I find it or it finds me. My dad, when he really needed whatever, it came to him, but never money, eg, my mum would say to my dad, the kids need clothes. My dad would go into his study and I presume meditate. A few days later, a neighbour un-known to us, would come to the door and say, she had some kids clothing and could we use them. My dad was very strong in telepethy and hypnosis (meditation). When my dad was a teenager, like in the 20's, he went to goto to the park to meet his mates and his mother asked him if he could get a stamp, as she had to post an urgent letter. It was a Sunday and you could not buy a stamp on Sunday's. So my dad said he would try to get a stamp. He didn't try of cause. Yet without saying a word, as he was departing the park to go home, one of his mates said, he ya need a stamp, I just happen to have one on me, here. My dad never said a word about a stamp and what teenager carries a stamp on him?????
  • let me be the voice of reason here: the answer is 'No' - waving a wand and shouting 'Izzy Wizzy Let's Get Busy' is not going to summon the fairies or related sparkly dust from the bottom of the garden, to do your bidding (even if you do wear a cone-shaped hat and stick a black cat down your knickers for authenticity). If you are after a love spell then you will have more chance of success if you just go to wherever 'he' is and then flirt like hell for a bit.
  • I always put "reighndear dust" every Christmas, and ive always had good presents!
  • Yes I have tried and they worked well just a couple of them some casters out there are fake and they just rip you off but I wanted to give it one more try and I went to and I got full results in less than 24 hours. It was so amazing never even thought.
  • Only in the Eastern world.

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