After considerable research all I could find is that "Kal-el" meant "The Star Child." However, I was never an avid reader of the series so I would not take this as a 100% correct answer, however based on what I have found at least a properly researched educated guess.
Kal-El is Hebrew (which makes sense, since Siegel and Shuster, the creators of Superman, were Jews). It can be interpreted to mean either "all of God" or "the voice of God", depending on what vowels you use.
Kal is Hebrew for "easy" or "lenient". Voice and all are "kol".
Experts have pondered the fact that Superman's original Kryptonian name, Kal-El, resembles Hebraic syllables meaning "all that God is." Greek and Norse mythology have been invoked to show that Superman resembles a god who comes to earth and walks among men in mortal guise. Screenwriter Newman sees yet more exalted implications in the legend. "It begins with a father who lives up in heaven, who says, 'I will send my only son to save earth.' The son takes on the guise of a man but is not a man. The religious overtones are so clear." Voice of God. from the net.
No, no. You are all wrong. I have intimate knowledge of the south-eastern Kryptonian dialect and perhaps I may clear up this issue. People from the former "Ma'kiftar" region of the Stanzy Republic on the now-deceased planet of Krypton were of simple means and were radically religious. Mostly an agricultural society, the Kiftars tiled the soil, fed their community, and prayed to their five deities. Each of these deities was assumed to have fallen from the sky and sprouted life on Krypton. In keeping with this belief, each deity resembled what we on Earth would refer to as a head of cabbage. Thus, by extension, eating this cabbage-like plant, known to Kiftars by the collective deity name of "Kal" would have been considered blasphemous and so was punishable by expulsion from the planet. According to the religious tenets, known as "Kal y'ssep", or "Holy Parchments", each Kal fell from the sky and noticed the great darkness across the land. Krypton scientists believe that at one time in its history, Krypton had been enveloped by a toxic methane layer for several million years. This is from where the planet's name Krypton was derived for "Krypton" was the Kiftar word for what we in Earth English would call "blue." You see, on Krypton, the Kiftar's comprised the ruling class on the planet and thus the Kiftar language, "Kal'lst" dominated the planet. Well, the Kal, noticing the darkness burned all the methane from the atmosphere, brought the sunlight back to the planet, and filled the river and ocean beds with water. Cementing their importance to Kiftar culture and beliefs, the Kal were highly regarded. In addition to the perceived great powers of the Kal were the similarly numinous powers of the Kiftar people themselves. Each Kiftar was a mystic and could exact great pain and torment with their psychokinetic powers if enraged, for other cultures of the planet Krypton did not possess these powers and were therefore helpless to the Kiftar's will and were eventually enslaved by the Kiftar. In the Kal y'ssep, there were stories of a great beast arising in the form of an "El", or what we would call in Earth English a "mole." This mole was thought to have eaten and destroyed the original Kal. Thus the term "Kal-El" was born, meaning "the one who ate Kal." One would have to look to Earth Christianity to find an analogous being, the "anti-Christ." Young Clark Kent, as we on Earth know him was born in Kiftar in the most of unusual circumstances. His mother was said to have been a virgin as his father had not yet consummated their relationship, electing to wait until the "Kal et'ast L'aaf", or "Festival of Mating." On the night of Kent's birth, great blue clouds filled the sky and kal fields withered and died. This was significant because this was the night prior to the "Kal Aaan" or Kal Festival where Kiftars would gather around massive pyramids of kal to celebrate the coming of the five Kal. The Kiftars were incensed by the destruction and quickly affixed blame to Kent family, the "Issiahs" and their new-born son whom they denounced as "Kal-El", "killer of Kal" or "anti-Christ." Kal-El's family was executed and eaten, in accordance with Kal y'ssep laws and Kal-El was placed into a capsule and expelled from the planet. Immediately after his banishment, Krypton was destroyed by a massive explosion thought to have been caused by an unstable planetary core or the Death Star. This is the truth from which Kent has been spared most of his life because records pertaining to his birth and eventual expulsion were destroyed by his adopted family on Earth, who are in reality a powerful political family of vast fortunes. It is widely believed in the small surviving Kiftar communites that also inhabit Earth that Kal-El utilizes his psychokinetic powers to leverage influence for himself, his family, and their friends and that his supposed "good deeds" are a mere public-relations campaign to mask his clandestine control over Earthlings and the massive natural resources of our planet.
No, no. You are all wrong. I have intimate knowledge of the south-eastern Kryptonian dialect and perhaps I may clear up this issue. People from the former "Ma'kiftar" region of the Stanzy Republic on the now-deceased planet of Krypton were of simple means and were radically religious. Mostly an agricultural society, the Kiftars tiled the soil, fed their community, and prayed to their five deities. Each of these deities was assumed to have fallen from the sky and sprouted life on Krypton. In keeping with this belief, each deity resembled what we on Earth would refer to as a head of cabbage. Thus, by extension, eating this cabbage-like plant, known to Kiftars by the collective deity name of "Kal" would have been considered blasphemous and so was punishable by expulsion from the planet. According to the religious tenets, known as "Kal y'ssep", or "Holy Parchments", each Kal fell from the sky and noticed the great darkness across the land. Krypton scientists believe that at one time in its history, Krypton had been enveloped by a toxic methane layer for several million years. This is from where the planet's name Krypton was derived for "Krypton" was the Kiftar word for what we in Earth English would call "blue." You see, on Krypton, the Kiftar's comprised the ruling class on the planet and thus the Kiftar language, "Kal'lst" dominated the planet. Well, the Kal, noticing the darkness burned all the methane from the atmosphere, brought the sunlight back to the planet, and filled the rivers and oceans with water. Cementing their importance to Kiftar culture and beliefs, the Kal were highly regarded. In addition to the perceived great powers of the Kal were the similarly numinous powers of the Kiftar people themselves. Each Kiftar was a mystic and could exact great pain and torment with their psychokinetic powers if enraged. For other cultures of the planet Krypton did not possess these powers and were therefore helpless to them and were eventually enslaved by the Kiftar. In the Kal y'ssep, there were stories of a great beast arising in the form of an "El", or what we would call in Earth English a "mole." This mole was thought to have eaten and destroyed the original Kal. Thus the term "Kal-El" was born, meaning "the one who ate Kal." One would have to look to Earth Christianity to find an analogous being, the "anti-Christ." Young Clark Kent, as we on Earth know him was born in Kiftar in the most of unusual circumstances. His mother was said to have been a virgin as his father had not yet consummated the relationship, electing to wait until the "Kal et'ast L'aaf", or "Festival of Mating." On the night of Kent's birth, great blue clouds filled the sky and kal fields withered and died. This was significant because this was the night prior to the "Kal Aaan" or Kal Festival where Kiftars would gather around massive pyramids of kal to celebrate the coming of the five Kal. The Kiftars were incensed by the destruction and quickly affixed blame to Kent family, the "Issiahs" and their new-born son whom they denounced as "Kal-El", "killer of Kal" or "anti-Christ." Kal-El's family was executed and eaten, in accordance with Kal y'ssep laws and Kal-El was placed into a capsule and expelled from the planet. Immediately after his banishment, Krypton was destroyed by a massive explosion thought to have been caused by an unstable planetary core or the Death Star. This is the truth from which Kent has been spared most of his life because records pertaining to his birth and eventual expulsion were destroyed by his adopted family on Earth, who are in reality a powerful political family of vast fortunes. It is widely believed by Kiftar survivors who, like Kal-El also safely evacuated to Earth, that Kal-El utilizes his psychokinetic powers to leverage influence for himself, his family, and their friends and that his supposed "good deed" are nothing more than a public relations attempt to mask his clandestine attempts to rule our planet and its vast natural resources.
So you finally want to know the truth, well the truth is almost every seeker of this particular truth as received a piece of one big Superman Anti Christ puzzle. I hereby submit to you another installment and or piece of the EndTime Game Puzzle putting to shame and making an open display of the latest Anti-Christ saying "You Can't See Me My Time Is NOW!" KAL-EL aka Clark Kent aka Superman Son of JOR-EL: 1) K=(Kaf) the 11th Hebrew letter alphabet from the word Kaphaph (Kaw faf) a primary root to curve:- Bow Down (self). Bow down self i.e. bow yourself down. 2) AL= is the irish short form of Alan, Albert, and Alexander. Alan;(irish) means: Handsome,Peaceful. Albert:(german,french) Noble and bright.[Note: the name Adolf as in Hitler also means Noble, Noble Wolf] Alexander:(Greek) meaning: Defender of Mankind. Sound familiar? 3)EL:(ale) Strength; as adj. Mighty;espec. the Almighty(but used also of any deity):-God(god) x goodly, x great, idol might-(-y one) power,Strong. Summing up all of the above, Bow Yourself Down to the Handsome, Peaceful, Noble, and Bright Defender Of Mankind i.e. Mighty, Almighty God, powerful, and strong Clark: A scholar,clergy; Kent:(in welsh)/Kenneth:(in scottish) White, bright; Comely, and Handsome SUPERMAN! are you starting to see a pattern of name meanings here all pointing back to the superman/kalel character. Go Deeper 1) Kal: short form of Kalil or Kalman A variant form of the German name Kahl. A) Kahl: bald(as in baldEagle, a promenent flying symbol of America) KAL-EL also likes to fly and is an American symbol as well. B) Kalil(in Greek)kalos: Beautiful; (in Hebrew):A crown, A wreath C) Kalman: Short form of Kalonymos. D) Kalonymos: Form of Latin name Clement and means Merciful or Gracious E) Clement: From the Latin Clemens, and means: Merciful, Gentle. Note: Clark; Clarke ( are Old English)and means: Clergyman; Learned man; a clark or a clerk was originally a member of a clerical Order. 2) EL: (Hebrew) Mighty, Almighty God. Ergo: KAL-EL is a Beautiful, Crowned, merciful, gracious, gentle, Mighty, Almighty God; Who hides out under a false idenity Clark or Clarke Kent: A Scholar i.e. learned man, A clergyman, A White, Bright, Comely, Handsome person or member of clerical Order, the Order Of the clarks, clerks, or clergy. Son Of JOR-EL i.e. JEHOVAH-GOD. For Those of you who are big fans of KAL-EL and enemies of the Anti-Christ Here's a Superman(KAL-EL) Anti-Christ(The Beast i.e. Mankind) connection. KAL-EL the name of Superman; CHAL-AL(KHAW-LAWL) is Hebrew and is a description of the beast/Anti-Christ of revelation 13th chapter. Meaning: pierced (especially to death): fig. polluted- kill profane, slain(man) x slew, (deadly) wounded. In the Superman movie KAL-EL was CHAL-AL(KHAW-LAWL) i.e."pierced espec. to death" with kryponite at the hands of LEX(in Latin: legis where we get legislation and means LAW) Luther. Lex: means Law in Latin, but in english means "Defender Of Mankind". Superman aka KAL-EL is also known as the "Defender Of Mankind". There can only be one false God, LEX i.e. LAW or the creater of the Law, Man i.e. The Superman. Rev. 13:3 And I saw one of his(the beast's) heads (political RAMS or Chiefs) as it were Wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: And all the world wondered( marveled, was in amazement) after the beast.... superman died of a deadly wound and or pierce and rose again from the dead (like Christ), and anointed his "Only Son" i.e. Image in the Superman Returns movie A film that was released the 6th month of the 6th year of the new millenium just 2 weeks after the released i.e. newly released OMEN movie which opened in theaters the 6th day of the 6th month of the 6th year of the new millenium. A film in which Dameon/anti-christ Satans son made his way to earth with satan/abaddown (known in this film as the "jackel" which is the hebrew meaning for dragoon or dragon) in Satans womb. They both made their way to earth falling from the sky and from outter space like A large ball of fire and crashing on the earth just like KAL-EL aka Superman the defender of mankind; who in this movie professed to Lois(which in hebrew means christian women)Lane.... [Now why would an alien from another planet and from outter space choose to fall in love with a christian and christianity, lois: which also means "brave warrior", in the comics began to fear and distrust her super husband proclaiming in her daily planet writing to the world that KAL-EL was becoming a world dictator and should no longer be trusted.] (Superman #143 Rise of the Robots.) .....He openly professed to her that the world needs a savior making referance to his, and his fathers self professed destiny. The Savior Of The World, making him The Christ i.e, Messiah , A manly Messiah. The word Antti means Manly, thus A manly i.e. Antti or Anti(also meaning opponent or enemy) Messiah or Christ. These are the The "Chronicles Of The Superman". "Eyes To The Sky" Love: Yowchanan aka Johnster. "Many Shall come in my name saying I Am the Christ..." Superman has an alter ego named Dominus. (which is Latin for Master and Lord) Dominus would soon convince KAL-EL to take over the Whole World, New World Order Style. Trying to bring peace and order to the whole world by means of dictatorship.
okay, now going by hebrew i doubt very much the name means "all of G-d", if that were the case his name would be Kol-El, the word Kal, meaning easy, is how i would interpret Kal-El, Easy-G-d, now it doesnt make much sense, but when you take into account Clarks dad sent him to earth to rule and become a G-d, it makes a little more sense
I'm not sure of any technical meanings. But I know that "Kal-El" is his full name. Its like saying Jakie Chan. Kal is his first name, while El (His family is commonly referred to as, The house of El) is his last name. Hope this helps. :)
Hebrew is a very complex language. I have been researching the meaning of Kal-el (and Yor-el) on my own, but thre are many problems. First, I don't know whether Kal is spelled with a Cav or a Koof. Also, in Hebrew there are many shortened versions of verbs, so I would need to know if there was a closing alef or hay attached to Kal...basically I would have to know what the root word is. Kal-El could mean God is completeness, God imprisons, God is strength. We'd have to go straight to the authors to find out the real truth. An obliging rabbi might have some good suggestions, too. My best guess is it means "God is Strength."
Johnster316, really? REALLY?! This is your answer?!! Kal El means Son of God Jor El means Father God. El or Elohim (the plural) is Hebrew for God. I almost hesitate to write the name of God here in Hebrew as it may offend some people. Anyway... if you want speculation, it has nothing to do with being anti-christ, unless you call all Jews anti-christ. Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster were the creators of the now famous Superman. There is a Messiah paradigm that was borrowed for the creation of Superman, but what most people don't realize is that it was not a christian messianic paradigm. Superman is much closer to a comic book adaptation of the Hebrew Messiah. Not solely based on the Hebrew Messiah, but inspired by the Hebrew Messiah. I don't want to be misquoted here, and I certainly don't want anyone taking what I'm saying out of context. I'm a long time Superman Fan. Good stuff. Johnster316, I don't know whether to suggest you write a book or read more. Dude, seriously... I know you're just trolling.. it's cool dude.
techraan or what ever your name is your words are quite touching but completely unfounded my word are from above. they expose imposters. two jewish boys that were inspired vioces of evil unseen. I'm sorry you've been duked into following an overblown anti-christ figure head it's not too late to repent techraan. be good to yourself son. Love :Johnster316 316 316
Literally, "Star Child". Kal means child. The surname "El" means most literally, "Those who come from the stars". See "Meet Superman's Family". This was a mini-deries back in the days prior to all the recent re-duxes, and the El family's geneaqlogy is tackled as a gen-type project by Kal-El and Kara Zor-El to honor all their ancestry, as all good Kryptonians did. Or do. The earliest ancestor was Erok-El, a despot and the first Bethgar (or king) of the continent of Urrika. His child was named Kal-El, and this first Kal-El united many other lands as well. Hope this helped.
look above!
'Kal' means child and 'El' means star. And in Kryptonian laungage Kal-El means star child. Look more from
It means start child in kryptionian
It means "the traveler".
"Kal" means "child" and "El" means "star" in the Kryptonian language; hence, "Kal-El" means "star child." The name was suggested to Lara-El by Kara while they were visiting the Kent Farm before the first meteor shower.
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