I can't agree more!
I think idne is a wonderful person and a great answerbagger. She is a great friend and a kind soul. I wish her the best, always. I can also tell you that even she would advise you that questions singleing out one person, not for congratulatory reasons, but just purely out of the blue in not a good idea. I have done this in the past and have learned it is not really a good thing. It can lead to others having their feelings hurt and it gives the impression one is really just looking for points by asking for accolades for a very popular answerbagger or group of answerbaggers. I will not do it again. Thanks you for giving props to idne, she is a wonderful person, and there are many other wonderful people here as well. Just my thoughts.
idne is just a beautiful person and i love her very much.
Yeah! Idne is sweet and is solid blonde! What more can you ask for?
Mm. I'd love to! ;)
Twisted Thoughts, I am so touched by your post. You are the sweetest. And you are right in what you told Cowboy, there are so many wonderful Answerbaggers. I don't know what I would do without all of you. And since I have this platform, I'll use it to tell all Answerbaggers thank you for all that you have done for me. Your love and support, as well as the many laughs you have provided, have helped me through some very tough times. If there is anything I can ever do for any of you please don't hesitate to ask. My e-mail is always open.Thank you, Twisted Thoughts, for giving me the chance to say this. {{{hugs}}}
((((HUG)))) Oh, that feels good!
I think she's a DOLL!
I think she definitely is. I'm always here for you, idne. =)
Of course. I'm up for snuggling. : ) SHE IS.
I think idne's the sweetest - and I know her better than anyone in the world! She's a wonderful person and I feel blessed that she's my friend. Idne is one in a million!! {{{{hugs}}}}
I do!! ((((((BEAR HUG)))))
I do!!! (((((HUGS)))))
Yes, she is a wonderful human being.
She's awesome!
(((((((((((((((((((((H U G S))))))))))))))))))))))
Well I think the world of her too, this was a nice gesture!
She is exactly that! Her heart is so big and she makes room for everyone one of us. She takes the time to be serious when you need a lift up and comes out with some of the best humor here when that is needed. Idne is a breath of fresh air and when you see her in your answer you can bet she will have a kind word or hug for you. All she has to do is know you are down and she will jump in with compassion and empathy. I would like to tell her that she shines when ever she logs can feel the love....I do.
Wow, the queue to hug Idne is all the way around the AB headquarters! Idne is indeed a sweetheart!
Big Bear Hugs to idne she should have them every day!!
>HUGS!!!!!!!< >cuddles< For you Idne! (click to see it bigger!)
She is wonderful , A Big HUG sent your way idne your a great friend + 5
HOW DID I MISS THIS YESTERDAY!!! Idne you know you are too sweet and I could think of nothing better to do than give you a big bear hug {{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} Love ya girl!!!!! :)
For Idne:
a truly beautiful lady all round with a heart of gold !
Idne rocks (although I miss her Wonder Woman pic)
wow can i join this party i'd love to give idne a hug any day of the week she is a very sweet lady to my AB mommy thanks for everything you do for all of us here on AB i know this sounds corny but I love you idne
She does rock! ((Bigg Hugg))
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