• I think its been said to death over and over everywhere, but that is a very stupid reason to vote for someone as head of state!
  • It's no worse of a reason than to vote Republican/Democrat because that's the way you/your family have always voted. Vote on the issues, people!!
  • That's not the best reason to vote for someone (and Hillary has made it clear she wants to be judged simply on her merits as the best candidate) but it's normal that people choose people they can identify with.
  • I think it's ridiculous and illogical.
  • About as dumb as my saying that I would NOT vote for Hillary for no other reason than she was a woman...
  • It's better than eny, meny, miny, mo.....
  • She balances out one idiot that will NOT vote for her just becasuse she is a woman.
  • Anyone who chooses to vote for Hillary Clinton for ANY reason is making a mistake in my opinion. Just my opinion. I do have a right to it. Now you can downrate me.
  • I'm not going to lie - I would love to see more women in positions of power and responsibility. It gladdens my heart when I see women acting as strong, effective and honest leaders in roles that are traditionally thought to be male responsibilities. But I want women in power to be there because they're right for the job and because they deserve the position - if our friend is voting for someone just because of their gender that's a huge stroke AGAINST the fight for sex equality. The whole point of the battle for women's rights was the right to be judged on their merits, their abilities, their skills - and not to be judged solely on the basis of sex. Teaching young girls that they are automatically *better* because they are female, and not that they can be better through principles, integrity and hard work is a huge step backwards. I think maybe your friend should find out a bit more about Hilary Clinton than her gender before she makes her voting decisions.
  • It's her right.
  • A person interviewed on TV said he voted for GWB because he looked like a nice guy. I would say they are on the same level.
  • It's the wrong reason to vote for someone. What kind of reaction would a man get if he said he would vote for any man over any woman?
  • Did Margaret Thatcher do anything that a male Prime Minister wouldn't have done?
  • I think there's also lots of people who will not vote for her for the same reason! That isn't the reason to vote (or not) for anybody.
  • She's not alone. But I think we should look at the position of each candidate on the various issues...and vote on that, not their sex.
  • To cast a vote based on the gender of the candidate rather than on his/her policy positions seems, frankly, rather stupid.
  • I wouldn't vote for anyone just based on gender or ethnicity. But I must admit I would consider his or her religion.
  • I wonder what your friend would say if you told her she was sexist?
  • Oh god, and I'm sure this is why many other women will be voting for Hilary not even caring if her beliefs are the same as yours...I think Gender is a stupid reason to vote for a person, yes it will make Histroy having a female president, but will she get the job done? I'm not to confident! You should not vote for a gender, you should vote for the person you believe will get the job done, and done right!
  • While I disagree with casting a vote for any candidate based on anything other than their qualifications and platform, I have to wonder how many MEN would vote AGAINST her simply because she is a woman? How many might vote for or against Obama for reasons of ethnicity? I think there is really a whole lot more of that type of thing out there than any of us would care to admit. My $.02
  • Now that is just plain stupid. But it is everyone's right to vote for whoever they want for whatever reason. I believe most people have more sense than to make that kind of decision based solely on a person's gender, ethnicity or any reason except for what they stand for and what kind of job they will (hopefully) do.
  • This is exactly the type of stupidity that leaves Americans wondering what is wrong with their elected officials. When will we ever look at qualifications for our elected officials?
  • I think plenty of people are actively campaigning *against* her because she's a woman. If you look back to the 90's, the enormous irrational HATE that people had for her just for being a smart and politically active first lady instead of a docile cookie-baker was just unreal. They'll never admit to the real reason, of course, but having seen it first-hand, there is some serious misogyny at work there. Liking her for being a woman and hating her for being a woman are equally irrational. Personally, I am HAPPY that she, a woman, is being considered a serious candidate for president. That is terrific. However, her politics are not nearly liberal enough for me (believe it or not) and I don't think she would work hard enough to reverse the damage caused by the Bush Administration once in office. She's also part of a left-religious advocacy called The Fellowship that troubles me. I think we've had ENOUGH religious tampering with the presidency. So I don't plan to vote for her in the primaries and will hope someone else gets the nomination. Again, it's great to see a female candidate. I was really happy to see Nancy Pelosi take her current role as well, even though I'm less than thrilled with her performance. It's similar to how my boyfriend feels about Obama - it's wonderful as a black man to see a serious black candidate for president. But he has his reservations about some of his politics as well. His race, like Hillary's gender, is only one factor in the decision of who to vote for. It's going to be an interesting election. I just hope it won't get too nasty and that no violence will come into play...
  • That's an idiotic reason to vote for someone. It's like voting for an atheist just because they're an atheist, or voting for a gay man just because he's gay. Gender doesn't matter, it's whether or not the person is fit for the job that does.
  • Ask her who she would vote for if the election was between Barack Obama or Condoleezza Rice. Would she still vote for the woman then?
  • AHHHHH!! What a scary, misinformed lady your friend is! No, no, no. Very bad idea. As women we should vote for the candidate who best represents our beliefs. If we vote strictly based on one characteristic of the candidate we are doing a stereotypical female thing and a diservice to women everywhere!
  • Love her or hate her, but to vote for her ONLY because she's a she is just plain STUPID! Vote for issues not for gender!
  • It's not a good reason to vote for someone, but plenty of people are going to NOT vote for her because she's a woman, so maybe it will balance things out a little. :|
  • YIkes! Don't vote for a person for superficial reasons. Gender, color, religion etc. are not good reasons to pick a candidate. Listen to what they are saying and more importantly see who their money is coming from.
  • its her right as any other american.
  • On that day, kidnap her and duct tape her to a chair until the polls close.
  • I believe many women secretly will.
  • As totally idiotic as it is, it's her right to do so.
  • That your friend is a fool.
  • Thank God for the Electoral College, the average person is not smart enough to vote for the leader of the free world.
  • I think your friend does a disservice to women and the voting process. Gender does not make a leader; effective strategies, experience and a duty to service do.
  • I think thats the stupidest thing ever.....
  • hilary clinton is a woman? i had no idea...
  • your friend is probably thinking that she's helping fight sexism BUT SHE'S NOT... she's actually portraying it by not judging Clinton on her qualifications but on her gender
  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting and voting for a woman as President. Just not Hillary Clinton! She's just the Wrong Woman! 8 years of her squeezing Bills Ballz was enough. She told him everything from what time it was, to when it was ok for him to fart. We have had her as President 2 terms already. Enough is Enough "Go Away Now Hillary"
  • It's her vote. Just make sure that when Hillary doesn't get the nomination, remind your friend to write her in.
  • Your friend's a moron.
  • Whats the big deal, People voted for George W Bush just because he's an idiot?
  • Unless the reason is "just because they align with my feelings on the issues" You should never vote for a canidate Just because of any one thing.
  • I think that your friend is a moron. I'm sorry. But it's obviously true. That's a ridiculous reason to vote for someone. Look at the bright side, though. Now you can rub it in her face when Hillary loses by a landslide.
  • Exactly why I'm not voting for a woman
  • well... she would be voting for the best person for the job... so that's good... but her reasoning is poor and rather ignorant.
  • It's called identity voting. It's human nature to want your leader to be someone you identify with. It's actually logical to feel someone with whom you have more in common will better represent you. The problem is it can backfire if you don't look beyond the obvious physical similarities. Ann Coulter may look a lot more like me than Barack Obama, but I sincerely doubt she would better represent my values. All other things being nearly equal however (as is the case among the three remaining Democratic candidates), many voters will choose the candidate with whom they most closely identify.
  • I would love to see a responsible female president, however there are just too many poor qualities in Hillary. Mainly, the problem is THIS!!!!
  • No way!
  • 1st of all Christians may not vote for anyone but Jesus. To vote for her is to vote for another fool that want power as a fool that wish to give up power. In this age it is far more logical to simply ask the subject to the planet and get a planet vote from each individual! You need not politics anymore! All you need is the right to vote on the subject NOT PEOPLE! You can even give opinions now with vote and confirm age and many other factors taken into consideration. To have elections like in the USA is a dictatorship trick of choose this liar or this liar when vote on subjects are hard to lie! They are the will of the people! So if they give you a choice of people, you are the fool! If they ask you to vote on a subject then you are using your right as a Human of voice and vote. SO THE SOLD OUT SLAVED USA now owe more than it has in worth physical and the next generations are being sold to pay it up. So it is time to end politics in the USA OR IT IS WORD WAR ALL OVER AGAIN OVER TOO BIG OF A DEBT TO PAY! JUST LIKE HITLER DID! USA is doing again but this time it is the USA THE WORLD WILL FIGHT! Save yourselves! End the dictatorships of leaders and replace it all with computers and statistics of populations in vote.
  • i dont think America is ready to have a female president yet, nor do i think they will want a african american, i wouldnt be surprised if the third party won
  • The character and experience of a candidate is more important than gender. America (and your friend) had better wake up. With America being in the shape that it is in today, we must eliminate party, race, and gender as reasons to vote for someone. We need a strong candidate (I personally believe that Hilary is a great choice), but I would not vote for her because she is a woman. The question is: can she lead the country out of the mess it is in on EVERY level? Something to think about!
  • I think if you are going to for the person because you believe in their cause not because she's a woman!
  • I wouldn't base my vote for anyone solely on race or gender. And I wouldn't vote for Hilary Clinton at all. LOL
  • yes she is all woman.
  • It's about time a women ran the country.
  • I remain neutral on the voting thing. But as a woman, I'll be honest I dont think its a good thing for a woman to be in that high of a position..
  • AN ANALYSIS WORTH READING: by Dick Morris, former political advisor to President Bill Clinton If you happen to see the Bill Clinton five minute TV ad for Hillary in which he introduces the commercial by saying that he wants to share some things we may not know about Hillary's background . . . beware . . . I, Dick Morris, was there for most of their presidency and know them better than just about anyone, I offer a few corrections; Bill says: 'In law school Hillary worked on legal services for the poor.' The facts are: Hillary's main extra-curricular activity in law school was helping the Black Panthers, on trial in Connecticut for torturing and killing a federal agent. She went to court every day as part of a law student monitoring committee trying to spot civil rights violations and develop grounds for appeal. Some of these Panthers still live in Cuba. Bill says: 'Hillary spent a year after graduation working on a children's rights project for poor kids.' The facts are: Hillary interned with Bob Truehaft, the head of the California Communist Party. She met Bob when he represented the Panthers and traveled all the way to San Francisco to take an internship with him. Bill says: 'Hillary could have written her own job ticket, but she turned down all the lucrative job offers.' The facts are: She flunked the DC bar exam, yes, flunked, it is a matter of record, and only passed the Arkansas bar. She had no job offers in Arkansas, none, and only got hired by the University of Arkansas Law School at Fayetteville because Bill was already teaching there. She did not join the prestigious Rose Law Firm until Bill became Arkansas Attorney General and was made a partner only after he was elected Arkansas Governor. Bill says: 'President Carter appointed Hillary to the Legal Services Board of Directors and she became its chairman.' The facts are: The appointment was in exchange for Bill's support for Carter in his 1980 primary against Ted Kennedy. Hillary then became chairman in a coup in which she won a majority away from Carter's choice to be chairman. Bill says: 'She served on the board of the Arkansas Children's Hospital.' The facts are: Yes she did. But her main board activity, not mentioned by Bill, was to sit on the Wal-Mart board of directors, for a substantial fee. She was silent about their labor and health care practices. Bill says: 'Hillary didn't succeed at getting health care for all Americans in 1994 but she kept working at it and helped to create the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) that provides five million children with health insurance.' The facts are: Hillary had nothing to do with creating CHIP. It was included in the budget deal between Clinton and Republican Majority Leader Senator Trent Lott. I know; I helped to negotiate the deal. The money came half from the budget deal and half from the Attorney Generals' tobacco settlement. Hillary had nothing to do with either source of funds. Bill says: 'Hillary was the face of America all over the world.' The facts are: Her visits were part of a program to get her out of town so that Bill would not appear weak by feeding stories that Hillary was running the White House. Her visits abroad were entirely touristic and symbolic and there was no substantive diplomacy on any of them. Bill says: 'Hillary was an excellent Senator who kept fighting for children's and women's issues.' The facts are: Other than totally meaningless legislation like changing the names on courthouses and post offices, she has passed only four substantive pieces of legislation. One set up a national park in Puerto Rico . A second provided respite care for family members helping their relatives through Alzheimer's or other conditions. And two were routine bills to aid 911 victims and responders which were sponsored by the entire NY delegation. Presently she is trying to have the US memorialize the Woodstock fiasco of 40 years ago. Here is what bothers me more than anything else about Hillary Clinton She has done everything possible to weaken the President and our country (that's you and me!) when it comes to the war on terror. 1. She wants to close GITMO (Guantanamo Base, Cuba) and move the combatants to the USA where they would have access to our legal system. 2. She wants to eliminate the monitoring of suspected Al Qaeda phone calls to/from the USA 3. She wants to grant constitutional rights to enemy combatants captured on the battlefield. 4. She wants to eliminate the monitoring of money transfers between suspected Al Qaeda cells and supporters in the USA . 5. She wants to eliminate the type of interrogation tactics used by the military & CIA where coercion might be used when questioning known terrorists even though such tactics might save American lives. One cannot think of a single bill Hillary has introduced or a single comment she has made that would tend to strengthen our country in the War on Terror. But, one can think of a lot of comments she has made that weaken our country and makes it a more dangerous situation for all of us. Bottom line: She goes hand in hand with the ACLU on far too many issues where common sense is abandoned.
  • At least she cares enough to vote. Every citizen out there has their personal right to vote for whom ever they want no matter how well thought out their decision. I'd vote for Hillary if she wasn't Bill Clinton's wife.....does that make any sense? Obama all the way to the white house! (But, if Hillary wins the primary...she will get my vote....just because I say so.)
  • hillary was already president...she is the intellectual and driven half of the couple. she made a deal w/ the devil..."you get me to the white house and i wont care if your pants stay around your ankles"
  • Is she 5 years old?
  • Your female friend is ruining the electoral process by voting for pointless reasons. Essentially, if that is her main reason for voting, she should abstain entirely (and perhaps try working on her sexism? That's exactly the same as a man voting for Obama or McCain because they're men; no one would hesitate to point out the sexism there).
  • Not so good. Politics shall be about opinions, not persons.
  • Voting for ANYONE based on their sex or race (or any other discriminatory term) is dumb. That's like Republicans and Democrats strictly voting straight ticket, but worse! (At least they may have the same ideology as you!) The ONLY reason you should vote for someone is because they have solutions to the issues that you want to see corrected/fixed/brought to the fore.
  • your friend may be a gay
  • Maybe she likes former Walmart Company Lawers..... I say just light her cigarette and move to another seat further down the bar away from her - because she's aparently crazy.
  • shallow and stupid and self serving.....qualified is the only reason any should be about as stupid,shallow and discriminatory as electing is JUST as was RACE....and God help us..because he is NOT QUALIFIED ot KEEP US SAFE....

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