• From "Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable"... On the spur of the moment. Instantly; without stopping to take thought. It comes from applying the spurs to a horse, which prompts it into action immediately. A sharp poke in the side does the same to anyone.
  • The first recorded usage was in 1801. Spur also means "at haste" so perhaps spur of the moment - something done impromptu or with out deliberation grew out of spur in that sense, as in a quick decision. Something in the moment (the brief period of time when a decision is made or an action is begun) acts as a spur-an incentive, an impetus-much as the literal spurs impel a horse to go. What motivates a "spur of the moment" decision arises quickly, as opposed to long forethought. From the net.

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