• It’s made by Ragu, parent company is Unilever Bestfoods. Ragu has discontinued producing the sauces and has pulled them from the shelves. You might be able to locate them in the UK. “Chicken Tonight is a meal-solution for poultry-based dishes, and can be used with any other meats, fish, or vegetables. The Chicken Tonight range consists of the standard Chicken Tonight Casserole sauces, Chicken Tonight Sizzle & Stir two-step sauces, and Chicken Tonight Stir it Up! pastes. The standard Chicken Tonight range includes traditional favourites like Chicken Chausseur and Creamy Curry.” Dublin Ireland – email - They may be able to locate and ship to you. Try this homemade recipe which is Savory Dill Chicken (Like Country French Chicken Tonight) SAVORY DILL CHICKEN Source: Knorr 2 Tbsp. Olive Oil 6 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (1-1/2 lbs.) 1 cup water 1 package Knorr ® Vegetable recipe mix 1/4 tsp. dried dill weed 1/2 cup sour cream Heat olive oil in a large skillet and brown chicken, turning once, until almost thoroughly cooked, about 6 minutes. Stir in water, Knorr ® Vegetable recipe mix and dill. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer covered, stirring sauce occasionally, until chicken is thoroughly cooked, about 5 minutes. Remove chicken to a serving platter and keep warm. Remove skillet from heat and stir in sour cream. Spoon sauce over chicken and serve.
  • I was recently in New Zealand and saw Chicken Tonight on the store shelves. I used to use it, but it was discontinued in the United States.
  • I think it was Ragu. That stuff was good.
  • I have searched everywhere for chicken tonight, i absoulutley loved the chicken caccitore sauce and it was so simple to make. It was made by Ragu and they have discontinued the chicken tonight line. I have not been able to find anything similar.
  • I feel like chicken tonight! I remember that! it was pasta sauce I beleieve. I have no idea where to find it.
  • Ragu, but it is no longer available here in the states.
  • Hi Everyone....I was so surprised to go to my local supermarket today...Mr.Z's in Tannersville PA & saw a few jars of Knorr Chicken Tonite in the International Food section (Britian/Ireland) I was ready to scoop up a few jars & noticed it was $10.99 a jar!! Yikes..I tried the net & found that a few "Brisish food Supermarkets" That ship worldwide & they had all the old favorites...Country French, Sweet & Sour etc. They came to $3.50 US each...however the shipping was order came to about $24.00 & the shipping was $60.00 !! Oh well that ended that.. Maybe someone can come up with some "copy-cat recipes" & post them or else we can all flood the Knorr company with emails requesting they bring back the Chicken Tonite sauces!(at resonable prices of course!) LET'S EMAIL KNORR NOW TO BRING BACK OUR CHICKEN TONITE TO THE USA!!!!!!!!!!
  • yes if anyone has found my chicken tonight that I desperatley want please let me know. I grew up eating it almost every night and would love my kids to eat chicken tonight. Until then I will have to settle for the new chicken tonight that I have created. Not the same but equally good. Just brown the chicken breast and then pour on some of your favorite prego speghetti sauce and add your noodles and yummm delicious...
  • Here in England it is made by Knorr and is still readily available.
  • The Knorr Savory Dill Chicken recipe that Alatea posted is excellent (I'm eating it right now), but instead of one cup of water, use 1/2 water and 1/2 cup cooking sherry. It tastes JUST LIKE the Chicken Tonight Country French chicken. Also, Ragu Chunky Green Pepper and Mushroom spaghetti sauce is exactly like the Chicken Tonight Chicken Caccitore! Yay! I am so glad to have these sauces again as I LOVED Chicken Tonight growing up!
  • You can order Chicken Tonight sauces online from Granted, it is not inexpensive (a single jar costs about $8.00) but it is the same product and the only availability I know of.

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