• It depends on the definition of messiah. The original meaning was simply someone who was simply anointed with oil when they reached a certain religious standing, which changed over time. Originally it was high priest, then king and finally prophet. Generally, the Torah discusses the messiah in the terms of a future anointed king of the Israelites (from the line of David) Essentially a king to unite the Israelites. Very far from the definition used Christians, today. See Daniel 9:25-26 where the word messiah used essentially to mean future leader. The current messianic view comes from the Talmud and not the Torah. Remember that the messiah means something entirely different under Jewish interpretation then it does under the Christian interpretation. By Jewish interpretation, it is impossible that the messiah has arrived because with the messiah comes "tikun olam", fixing the world. We certainly can't describe modern times in that light.
  • Mesiah is the Anglicized version of the Hebrew word Moshiach, meaning anointed. So, every Jewish king was technically a "Messiah", because he would have been anointed with oil at his appointment. There are numerous references in the Torah to "The" Messiah, i.e. individual who will lead the world to an era of harmony etc. Many of the prophets speak of the person "Moshiach" and the era of "Utopia" he will bring to the world. Jewish belief understands that there are also hints at the "Moshiach" in the Five Books of Moses too.
  • Shabad Rabbi. You say the Jews are not waiting for a Messiah, since any King or any Jew could be a Messiah today...! Let me tell you something Shabad Rabbi and hear with so attention my words. The Judaism lie to his followers and like how the Vatican do it with their followers of the Messiah of Jews about. And the prior will be the cause of the destruction of this mankind by the day anounced in the Great Pyramid, the so mentioned Pharaoh of Egypt. The Messiah of Jews is the Envoy of Constructor of Great Pyramid and you know that, but you silence it to your followers. How I know about it? Good question Shabad Rabbi. Question me. You know my personal E-Mail. You don't need to question me throught this message board. One thing. Eye by Eye, Tooth by Tooh.... and listen to me with so attention... you must don't make "resistence to the grievance of my words" if I duplicate you the Divinity of God that you have on the top of head of Pope.
  • yes. in the beginning...the seed or offspring of woman destroying the power of the devil...then through woman, Abraham's seed , thus the Davidic line , thus Mary....women bore these seeds......and it started with Eve.... Torah, King James, it does not matter .....they all in their enirety shout "the Messiah is Coming" ....the seed plot was in the Beginning, Genesis... and the whole world has known it...... the whole thing is KEEPING GODS NAME ALIVE( purpose for a chosen people in a terribly sinful world) until the Messiah came...thus Jews and Christains.....
  • What is the Torah?I don't think it is an east Indian teachings.
  • Not in the 5 books of the written Tora only the oral tradition and the books of the prophets speak of it. The book Daniel is said to have the date of when it will come hidden in it
  • messiah is a combination of the Egyptian word MS and the word for god, IAH. MS means son so the meaning of Messiah is precisely son of God. It is the same word as Rameses where Ra, the name of the sun god replaces Iah and the words are reversed in order. Scholars, Christian and Jewish alike, say Messiah means the anointed one, deriving Messiah from the word for anointing with oil. They have, of course, got the derivations back to front. The word for making someone a son of God by anointing them with oil was derived from the purpose of the ritual, not the other way round. MS=Son and iah=god Messiah=Son of god So Jesus the Messiah means jesus the Son of god

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