There is no such thing as a medical test that proves virginity. A woman can be born w/o a hymen or can break it before she has ever had sex.
There were no medical tests performed on Mary. The only evidence we have for her virginity is her word. She claimed that she was visited by an Angel of the Lord and became pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit. No one believed her, not even her future husband, Joseph. Joseph was told in a dream that Mary was, indeed, pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit. He married her but waited until she had given birth to Jesus before they began to live as husband and wife, so to speak. The Bible is the only account we have of this story. The Old Testament scripture prophesies that the Messiah would be born of a virgin.
Wondering...where did you get the idea: "The only evidence we have for her virginity is her word."? Or: "She claimed that she was visited by an Angel of the Lord and became pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit."? Or: "No one believed her"? Etc. And yet you seem to believe what the Bible DOES say about it: "Joseph was told in a dream that Mary was, indeed, pregnant by the power of the Holy Spirit." I wonder what your source of information is for those other claims.
Not only is there no way to prove Mary's virginity, it is believed by many people that the word "virgin" used to describe her has been mistranslated from the Greek to the Latin, and should really be translated "young woman". Rather like the way that "maiden" in English can mean either virgin or just young woman. To those who believe this, the whole cult of the Virgin Mary is built on air. Of course, if you believe that God divinely inspired not only the Bible in it original form, but also the translations, than that is what God wants. Of course, you then have to be a Creationist, because if God controlled that end of the Bible, He also controlled the other.
The definition of "virgin" has changed since Mary's time...back then it meant unmarried woman and had nothing to do with sexual activity.
The word used to describe Mary in Luke 1 is "parthenos" which is unequivocably "virgin" 27προς *παρθενον* εμνηστευμενην ανδρι ω ονομα ιωσηφ εξ οικου δαυιδ και το ονομα της παρθενου μαριαμ" The Lucan passage is responding (as proof of Jesus' identity) to the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14, which in transliterated Hebrew is: "hinneh ha‘almah harah veyoledet ben; veqara’t shemo ‘immanu ’el" The word ""ha‘almah", a feminine noun with a definite article, "the young woman." This noun has traditionally been translated as "virgin," but research reveals that more likely it means "a young woman of marriageable age" (i.e., old enough to bear a child) without any specific indication of whether or not she is a virgin. This is reflected in most modern translations." BUT, in middle eastern society the idea of a girl of marriagable age and virgin was interchangeable (as it is in Middle Eastern society today). Unmarried girls were virgins. If they were found not to be, they were either married off to the father of the child, or else were brought before the leaders as adultresses. Joseph knew this, and we see in the parallel passage in Matthew 1 that Joseph 1) knew he was not the father 2) did not want to have her brought before the leaders as an adultress, so resolved to "divorce" her(engagements were as binding as marriages) That he married her was a result of an angelic visitation assuring him that she had not had sex with a human, but was pregnant by the Holy Spirit. (we presume that both passages were the result of interviews with Mary herself) There would have been no medical tests done on Mary, because Joseph married her. Had he brought her to the leaders on charges of adultery, tests could have been done (manual examination by a qualified woman) to determine if her hymen was broken, which was the traditional way of establishing virginity or not.
1) "Some Christians today say that virginity indicates a state of holiness in terms of sexuality before marriage, and most Christian denominations believe that the New Testament and Old Testament of the Christian Bible forbid pre-marital sex of any form. These ideas are more specifically discussed throughout the Old Testament. As in Judaism, the interpretation of Genesis is it that describes sex as a gift from God to be celebrated within the context of marriage. The New Testament also speaks of the Christian's body as a holy temple that the Spirit of God comes to dwell in. (1 Corinthians 3:16) Purity in general is deeply threaded throughout the entire Bible. Most Christians believe that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a virgin at the time Jesus was conceived, based on the account in the Gospel of Luke. In Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox Christianity, her perpetual virginity is held as a dogma, although other Christians do not necessarily accept this view. Christians may refer to her as the Virgin Mary or the Blessed Virgin Mary." Source and further information: 2) "The perpetual virginity of Mary, a doctrine of Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox Christianity, affirms Mary's "real and perpetual virginity even in the act of giving birth to the Son of God made Man." Thus, according to this church dogma, Mary was ever-Virgin (Greek á¼€ειπάρθενος) for the remainder of her life, making Jesus her only biological son, whose conception and birth are held to be miraculous." Source and further information: 3) "Mary (Judeo-Aramaic: מרי×, MaryÄm, from Hebrew Miriam), called since medieval times Madonna (My Lady), resident in Nazareth in Galilee, is known from the New Testament as the mother of Jesus of Nazareth, whom as a young maiden she had conceived by the agency of the Holy Spirit whilst she was already the betrothed wife of Joseph of the House of David and awaiting their imminent formal "Home-taking" ceremony (the concluding Jewish wedding rite). To many believers the accounts in the canonical "Birth narratives" suggest that she had still been a virgin at the time of the child's conception as well as at his birth." "She resided at Nazareth in Galilee, presumably with her parents, and during her betrothal – the first stage of a Jewish marriage - the angel Gabriel announced to her that she was to be the mother of the promised Messiah by conceiving him through the Holy Spirit. When Joseph was told of her conception in a dream by "an angel of the Lord", he was surprised; but the angel told him to be unafraid and take her as his wife, which Joseph did, thereby formally completing the wedding rites." Source and further information: So after the angel talked to Joseph, he was convinced and did not ask for any medical tests to be done.
There was no need for a "test". The "virgin Mary" aspect is of her honesty and virtue
If you understood the life and lifestyles as well as the religious requirements you would not even need to ask such a question.
The Virgin Mary is a fictional character, and human virgins cannot give birth. If she had actually existed, she'd be a liar.
Back in the time of the Israelites they knew that once you had sex behind was broken. We call it the Cherry here in modern language. And back in that day it was a death offense they took you outside and they stoned you to death if you weren't married and had sex you were called in adulterous and you were taking outside the city and stoned to death. There was actually a prescribed test for virginity called the test of the cloth a white piece of linen and the female attendance the wives of the high priests. Entered a private room and the woman that was being tested for virginity usually because a man said I don't want to marry your daughter anymore because it has been rumored that she is not a virgin. Well the prescribed test was the woman and the high priest wives entered into the back room and the accused woman had to take the white cloth and wrap it around her finger and insert it is far as it would go. If she was a virgin when she withdrew the cloth the cloth would be red because the hymen would have been punctured. If she withdrew the cloth and the cloth was clean of blood she was termed not a virgin! The rules were if you slandered a woman you had to pay the woman's father the equivalent of $500 American dollars and take her as your wife if you had made that accusation. But if the woman was found to not be a virgin you could take her back to her father and the marriage ceremony was off back in those days the woman usually got stoned. But anyway the test of the cloth or visual examination where the woman squatted in front of all of the other women and said see look I still have my hymen. That was the method used
you can look in a girl's eyes and tell whether she's had a sexual experience.
That info is from God.. Its kinda indisputable. lol
none do you really think she was a virgin? There is a post here where bible study's explains what the term virgin bride may mean , there is debate as to weather the word even translates to virgin in the original text.
Why is this even a question? "Medical testing"??? Trying to understand the past using present-day standards will only lead to confusion. To understand the past, one needs to examine only the facts that are available from that point on the timeline. There were no "tests" - "tests" are a modern-day concept.
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