• Probably "Frankly my dear..."
  • It could be any star wars scene- they seem to be very popular parody themes
  • "From Here to Eternity" Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr locking lips on the beach.
  • Where Burt Reynold and that chick are writhing in the surf on the beach...I've seen that in ads from SantaBarbara to Shanghai.
  • How about the "Im as mad as hell" scene from network or "Attica Attica" from DOg day Afternoon?
  • Maybe "I'm the King of the World", from Titanic?
  • maybe Burt Lancaster/Deborah Kerr on the beach in 'From Here to Eternity".
  • NOt sure about "THE" most famous, but here are a few: The " Frankly my dear I don't give a damn," scene with Clark Gable in Gone with the Wind. Gene Kelly dancing in the street in the rain in Singing in the Rain. The dance scene with Yul Brynner in the King and I. Gary Cooper's showdown scene in High Noon. Steve McQueen's car chase scene in Bullitt. Steve McQueen's motorcycle scene in The Great Escape. The three man draw scene in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly with Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, and Eli Wallach. The scene in Spartacus when everyone, one by one, stands up and says, " I'm Spartacus." The "I'm as mad as hell . . ." scene in Network. The ending parade scene in Animal House. or my personal favorites, the final battle scene in "Zulu" where the Zulu are chanting and then the Welsh start singing as the battle commences. or The opening speech in Patton by George C Scott. That scene gets my vote.
  • Any of the Yellow Brick road scenes from the "Wizard of Oz":
  • My nominees: "Rosebud" from Citizen Kane. "Surrender Dorothy" from The Wizard of Oz. "Do-Re-Mi" from The Sound of Music (with the clothes made from curtains). "Good Mornin'" from Singin' in the Rain. "I could've been a contender" from On the Waterfront. King Kong on the Empire State Building. The Bomb falling in "Dr. Strangelove." The opening of James Bond movies, where Bond, in profile, turns and shoots, followed by the shot turning from black & white to flowing red. Frankenstein's monster rising from the table in "Frankenstein."
  • "a hill of beans", "the beginning of a beautiful friendship" or "Play it Sam" from Casa Blanca. "You wanna suck face" from on Golden Pond "Staying Alive" from saturday Night Fever The Shower Scene from Psycho
  • 1) "Singing in the rain" Movie: Song: Scene clip: At least "the most famous scene in movie musical history" Source and freudian interpretation: 2) Here "A collection of the 100 most famous, unforgettable or memorable images, scenes, sequences or performances in films of the 20th century." 3) (Psycho, Shower scene) "The film contains some of the most memorable and legendary scenes of all time. Of course when you mention the film to someone they always think of the shower scene. Even with the film being forty years old, this scene hasn’t lost any of its punch. It’s still somewhat shocking and violent even by today’s standards. That scene is the most famous in the movie but I don’t think it’s the best. For me the film is held together by the conversation between Norman and Marion right before the shower. This scene here shows what kind of genius Hitchcock was. With this fifteen-minute scene we get to know Norman and Marion. They don’t say a whole lot but this scene lets you know the whole story behind both members. Perkins and Leigh are terrific together and they make this scene very heartfelt. " Source: Further information: Scene clip (caution, violence!)
  • CASABLANCA: RICK:What's that you're playing? SAM:Just a little something of my own. RICK:Well, stop it. You know what I wanT to hear. SAM:No, I don't. RICK:You played it for her and you can play it for me. SAM:Well, I don't think I can remember it. RICK:If she can stand it, I can. Play it! SAM:Yes, boss. CASABLANCA: But I've got a job to do, too. Where I'm going you can't follow. What I've got to do you can't be any part of. Ilsa, I'm no good at being noble, but it doesn't take much to see that the problems of three little people don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world. Someday you'll understand that. Now, now...Here's looking at you, kid THE GODFATHER: I want somebody very good, very safe to plant that gun. I don't want my brother coming out of that toilet with just his dick in his hand.
  • I would say the insane grunting between the two characters in "The Last Tango in Paris".
  • The shower scene from Psycho
  • The "Luke, I am your father" from Star Wars Episode V.
  • Everyone knows this one...
  • Greta Garbo - "Anna Christie" (Garbo Talks!)
  • It's between *Slow and ominous mask breathing.* ''Luke, I am your Father!'' and E.T. phone home!
  • the scene from titanic, im king of the world??
  • The one with ET in the basket of the bike, with the kid flying them over a full moon.
  • Probably when Darth Vader revealed that he was Lukes father. I can only imagine how many people sh*t their pants when they saw that.
  • the ****ing between a group of soldiers in the "ENEMY AT THE GATES"
  • The airport scene in Casablanca
  • The unmasking of The Phantom in the Lon Chaney silent film " The Phantom of the Opera"
  • i think the most famous scene is "titanic" picture scene.
  • clockwork orange, where Alex puts his Droogs in place and kicks them inb the water

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