• Yes, salt helps in fact, that’s why I start of with a lemon base cider, with a lot of lemon and salt in, tequila and lemon with salt also helps and on the way home French fries with a lot of salt and vinegar helps, the reason is because salt keeps the water back in your body, that is why people who diets reduces the use of salt so that they loose most of the water levels in their bodies
  • REALLY?? woh i didnt know that :) hmmm. how much salt is to much
  • hmm.. beer with a side of salt sounds interesting, not.
  • Yep. So does giving yourself a bag.
  • Barrel sake - "Taruzake" in Japan is consumed from a wooden box with a pinch of salt on the rim. However, Japanese always tend to eat foods with drink. The most popular snack for beer being salted boiled soy beans.

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