• Beef would be the dudes of course. But broccoli... I honestly have no idea. =/ I will think of it while im at school and come home with an edit! ^_^
  • I'm assuming right before that he asks her for a 69. The joke is that in chinese restaurants, menu items are often identified by a number, beef and broccoli is a chinese food dish.
  • The version I heard was: A young couple own and run a Chinese restaurant. One night after a busy day at work, the man snuggles up to his wife in bed and whispers in her ear, "Hey hon, how about a little sixty nine?" The woman sits bolt upright in bed, glares down at her husband, and says, "You want me to fix you chicken and broccoli at THIS time of night?!?"
  • Perhaps their Chinese Food Menu should list item # 69 as beef and bird's nest soup instead.
  • da lil tickets u get from chinese people wen ur waitin 4 an order 6 meanin beef nd 9 meanin broccoli or in da durrty way beef meanin di*k nd broccoli meanin c*nt

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