• I guess that depends on what you mean by "work". I've been hypnotized a couple of times by stageshow hypnotists, it definitely induces an altered state and high suggestibility. That doesn't mean they could necessarily cure me of some bad habit or induce me to kill the Prime Minister of Malaysia.
  • It has never worked on me because, I think you have to open yourself up to it and trust and that is something that is a guarded gate for me too do complete trust someone or to let go and be out of control of your body and trust it.This one guy that tried to hypnosis me and everyone else around me was under he was communacating with me with his eyes and I knew he was bad news the eyes are the windows to the soul and he couldnt do a nummber on me he asked me to stop blocking him out with the brick wall.I sead sorry it wont work on me.I went and sat down in the auduance and every one stared.I just sat and watched the others look like fools running around like monkeys and barking.I was thinking think god I dont let my guard down and act a fool like them.
  • It can certainly help if you allow yourself to work with it. Try it out for free here, and see for yourself...
  • yes it works. the American Medical Association has a division dedicated to the research of hypnosis. There's also a video on google-videos showing a person undergoing invasive surgery using hypnosis as the sole anesthetic.
  • Yes it does work. In case of clinical hypnosis, however, it will require cooperation from the client. If the client has skeptics or worries about what's going on, hypnosis cannot proceed. But, it seldom occurs. Master hypnotist can put a subject in trance in minutes of time. Depending on situation, effect of hypnosis varies. Some clients may require additional sessions to be fully healed. Hypnosis can also help yourself in form of self-hypnosis, such as subliminal tapes. Repeated usage under relaxation state is crucial to success. Figure out how hypnosis works in
  • Working of hypnosis requires balance of mind. Meditation and Yoga are proven techniques to provide balance of mind.
  • Not once, not any of the days or evenings, did I ever allowed myself to be hypnotized.
  • you tell me, are you getting sleepy
  • I don't think so. I'm still an *sshole! ;-)
  • It actually did work for me. I have a number of problems though and while I was undergoing hynotherapy, it did improve my life. I didn't really believe in hypnosis nor did I want to be hypnotised, but I gave it a shot and it helped my life. It helped with weight and mental issues and I even went under deep hypnosis and found out events that happened in childhood I didn't remember. Like when my mental problems started to occur, I sort of found the main culprit. The hypnotherapist also hypnotised me to put my index finger and thumb together whenever I was stressed and let me tell you that didn't calm me down completely, but it HELPED A LOT. I would suggest going to a therapist who charges by the hr and not one huge sum because you cannot be healed in one or two sessions. It took you a long time to form those habits so it is going to take a while for you to get rid of them.
  • All I can say is that it doesn't work on me. There have been numerous attempts made to hypnotize me. I'm autistic though. +5
  • When you dont ask for a refund.. lol

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